Erebus 8

I was eager to show her around. As we would spend much of the year aboard Necare. And her reaction was encouraging.

As Fytin had said there were dock workers nearby with a handful of crates. Two of which were significantly bigger than the others. They were also better maintained. It was clear which crates my mate had deemed more important. She gave me a sheepish look. "Will you have enough space for my things?" Her tone was worried and apologetic. "Most of it is art supplies."

I grunted at that. "There is more than enough room. I cleared a room for you to work in."

Ana spun to face me faster than I would have thought possible. I had known Human hunter to manage it but they were trained. That my female did it made me think it was a basic trait that many assumed, myself included, had to be taught. Her expression puzzled me for a second. She was stunned.

I stopped walking to give her my full attention. "Did you not want a room for your studio?"

"Of course I do!" She exclaimed. Her tone rising a bit, which again made her glance around. "But... I figured it would take time. I did not... You did that for me? Without me even asking?"

I was baffled. By her response and questions. "Of course," I parroted. "It is my honor and duty to see to you needs. To fulfill them. You are an artist and my mate. Giving you a room is the least I can do."

Of all the possible reactions my actions could receive, what I got was unexpected. She looked at me like I was the oddest creature she had ever seen. Then she smiled and her eyes took on that ever present gloss of awe.

"What is wrong? What have I done wrong?" I asked. My hand clenched her bag harder.

"That will take getting used to," she said. "But it is not unwelcome. You may just be perfect."

My mate seemed to say very little. Her reaction made me speechless. I was used to being met with fear and resentment, if not outright submission. The ways of Stelnubis did not tend to be seen as endearing. Even more so my ways did not tend to endear me. How was I to respond to my mate who had so effortlessly placed me on a pedestal? Given her dreams would be crashing down around her soon enough.

I could not understand how she could be awed by me. I was, by Human standards, freaky at best. My personality was considered rude and abrasive. Some had called me barbaric. Why would me seeing to her needs prompt such a response? The only possibility that came to mind was that she had been neglected. On a fundamentally basic level it seemed.

"Mr. Hetaliaion?" someone called out. The sound of my name prompted me to turn and look. One of the dock workers. He had managed to save me from what would have been an undoubtably awkward situation. I gestured Ana on. She moved closer to the ship. As she did I moved towards the males. "I will open the hold for you to load my mate's things."

"Of course sir."

They began to load the hold so I returned my attention to Ana. She was waiting patently although she clearly did not want to. She looked like she wanted nothing more than to be set loose to explore. The hold of my ship was empty. I kept it that way for the most part.

"Once they finish loading your things, I will give you a tour. Then you can direct me where the crates need to go."

"Sounds good," she replied with a smile. I could not help my returning smile. It was odd but I could not recall anyone else ever being so happy. It was almost infectious. She seemed enthusiastic about everything.

I gave the men a nod of acknowledgement for their work and closed back up the hold.

"This is a Vagonion vessel," I told her.

"I've heard of them. Aren't they supposed to be among the most advanced?" She asked.

"They are," I confirmed. "Necare is one of only a dozen exclusive ships they made of this model."

She suddenly looked very afraid. "That would mean it costs a fortune."

I shook my head as I led her inside from the hold to the main hall. The hall had high ceilings and and a wide walkway. Wide enough I could spread my arms open and still not reach the other side. The Vagon steel screamed wealth and luxury. "On the market this ship would be an outrageous price but I did not buy it. I won it during a hunt."

"That's awesome!" She said.

"It was the prize for the top five hunters. Necare was custom built just for me as the grand prize for first place," I explained.

"Seriously?!" She asked looking up at me. I nodded. "Okay that is cool." There was still that edge of fear. Even so I began to show her around.

"The ship has a holo through there. I have it set to receive entertainment from Earth for you as well as access for you to contact your family when you wish," I said pointing to the door to the left. I nodded my head to the right, "That is where the training room is."

She stared up at me. "You are so sweet..." That made me jolt. Stelnubis were not sweet. The word stung at my pride. Of all the words she could have used.

Ana was clearly unaware of my inner turmoil as she continued forward. To the next door. This one I looked forward to showing off. Surely I could prove myself every bit a powerful hunter with my Armor. "This is my Armory. I do not think you will ever have reason to come in here. But if you can not find me I may be in here preparing for a hunt."

The look of sheer intimidation that seemed to over come her was a shock. Admittedly I had begun to think her incapable of such an emotion. "These are all yours?" She asked me. Her eyes looked over my battle suits that covered the right wall. Along the left were my blasters. The far wall held my longer weapons.

"They are," I tell her with pride. "I am trained in all of them. I decide which weapons are best depending on the hunt."

"Will I get to watch you hunt?"

"Soon," I said, leading her from the room.

"Do you hunt often?"

"It varies. When I am not hunting I return to the home world to visit with everyone." She looked up at me and I reached to catch her. In front of us there was a ledge up to the mess hall. To my surprise she did not even hesitate as her body adjusted. It was an almost instant change from her normal steps to a raised leg to go up.

The entire vessel had been designed with a Stelnubis male in mind. They had taken into account that I may one day take a mate. Stelnubis very rarely mated outside their own. With that in mind Ana was noticeably smaller than even a short Stelnubis female. It had not occurred to me how hard the size differences would be on her. She however took them in stride. In this case literally. She went three steps without any problems before spinning to face me.

"Is something wrong?"

"I was making sure you were not gonna fall," I said. Trying to cover my surprise. "I was worried the ledge would catch you unaware."

She smiled at me, "Most of the doorways back home have a little lip in the doorways. It's not even a conscious thought anymore."

Once again she surprised me. At least this time I had gotten an explanation. It made sense for her to adjust to the doorway since she was used to it. Had even expected the doorway to be that way.

The mess hall was a large room that was clearly meant for a whole crew. Necare was originally designed for a full crew in mind. I had since knocked out some of the walls to make other rooms bigger. Or simply changed what they were meant for. The mess hall had stayed the same. I weaved around the five tables. Ana followed me easily enough. I made my way around the island countertop and showed her the fresh and frozen storage.

"You'll find everything you need here to sate any hunger you have. I have added several Human foods to the dupe. All of them were highly rated," I say waving a hand towards it.

"Dupe?" She asked. Her eyes clearly confused.

"The Duplicater. Some call it the replicator."

She shook her head. "I've never heard of it. Let alone seen one. Trident isn't exactly the most advanced place to live," she said. She looked almost worried.

"Nothing to worry about. I much rather eat hand made meals." Once again my mate looked intimidated. Only this time I had no idea why.

"My cooking knowledge at home is pretty good. I know my way around a kitchen but I doubt I'd be able to make food you are used to."

I recoiled.