Are you worthy?

After the meeting was over, Lihua asked Sichen to take her to a high-end shopping centre.

"I think you should have asked Fei Yi to accompany you. She is your manager after all.", Sichen said to Lihua.

"She said she was busy."

"What could she be busy with? Computers again?What is she busy with? Computers again? All she does is sit in her room with devices or play video games."

"Come on, Sichen, can't you find a way to get along with Fei Yi without always fighting?" Lihua groaned, feeling exhausted by Sichen's constant shenanigans. Whenever he and Ling Feiyi were in the same room, they would quarrel, which was incredibly frustrating.

"I don't think it is possible in this lifetime!" Liang Sichen exclaimed as he personally drove her towards the city's number one premium apparel store in his red Ferrari.

"I previously told you to hire other drivers rather than acting as my chauffeur. You attract too much attention, and I can't hang around with the COO without raising suspicions." Even though Liang Sichen might not possess godly looks, he was handsome with striking features. His serene eyes could swoon girls' wild hearts and he easily stood out in the crowd. He was also a well-known public figure because he was the Vice President of an A-list entertainment company.

"I had asked Feiyi to handle it. I will ensure the necessary arrangements are made as soon as possible," Liang Sichen said with a curt nod.

As he gripped the steering wheel tightly, realizing he had made a mistake by placing his trust in Feiyi, who had proven to be inadequate in fulfilling her responsibilities.

Liang Sichen *in his mind*: Feiyi, you had one job to do!

Ling Feiyi *scratches her ear*: Who the hell is talking bad about me?

As they entered the clothing store a shop clerk said, "Miss are you here to shop for clothes? We only sell exclusive items and limited editions, so it will be expensive. Do you have your card ready?"

Liang Sichen cooly raised his eyebrow and with a humourless smile, he said, "Oh, is it your shop's policy to be so unwelcoming?"

Store Clerk One was surprised. Although the gentleman appeared kind, she nevertheless felt uneasy. She didn't mean to be rude, but the majority of people who came into the shop went empty-handed after perusing through heaps of garments, which was a waste of the staffs' time. So, she just wanted to warn Li Hua beforehand.

Another shop clerk suddenly interrupted, "Watch how you speak! That's Liang Sichen, he is the Vice President of the Hua de World entertainment."

"What it's young master Liang-"

Liang Sichen might no longer be a member of the Liang family, but his place in the upper circle remained secure.

"You can leave Sichen, I can shop on my own. I'll take a cab to go back home.", Li Hua said as she took out her own VIP card and showed it to the clerks.

"Okay, I'll leave it up to you." Sichen left, letting Lihua do the shopping.

The clerks bowed as they watched Liang Sichen's back. They speculated about the relationship between Liang Sichen and the girl accompanying him. She might be his girlfriend, but why would he leave her alone then? They immediately realised that they were not in a relationship despite being on good terms.

After a while, a sudden realization dawned upon them.

Wait... Isn't this Xia Lihua, the new artist under Hua de World?

How did a recently debuted idol already have a VIP card? Something was off about this. Shop clerk One got a bad impression of her and was disgusted thinking that she was a girl who climbed up social circle using unfair means. She did not disguise her contempt as she said, "Follow me I would show you our best clothes."

Xia Lihua didn't think much as she followed the clerk quietly though she was annoyed by her behaviour. She glanced at the price tag of a scarf and saw it only cost nine hundred yuan. She smiled as she understood what the shop clerk was trying to do. "Did you purposely bring me to this part of the store where only cheap products are displayed?"

Shop clerk One trembled a bit listening to Lihua's harsh tone, but swiftly regained her composure, knowing that if Xia Lihua raised her voice or acted rashly it would do her no good and only harm her image in the entertainment industry. "Miss, I think the dresses displayed in this section will really suit you, I don't have any ill intentions!"

"I came here to choose something from the VIP section." Li Hua folded her arms across her chest and let out a small chuckle. She was really amused by the clerk's act.

"Heh, VIP section? Can you do justice to our dresses? Are you worthy? Every dress in the VIP collection is designed by a world class designer. Can you bring out the beauty after wearing those elegant gowns?"

Lihua looked down her nose at the girl in front of her and grimaced causing the clerk's face to turn as white as candle wax. "Girl what is your name? Looks like you have lot to say."

Shop clerk One took a deep breath and remarked, "All I wanted to say was that you don't have to try on clothes that don't suit you."

"And I asked you what your name is."

Lihua's gaze was so frosty that it seemed that a storm was coming. Feeling immense pressure, the shop clerk's palms turned sweaty and she couldn't manage to maintain the eye-contact, dropping her head down helplessly. "It's Qian Li..."

Seeing the commotion shop clerk Two came running over. What was wrong with this woman today? Has she gone crazy? Or is her brain water-clogged?

"Shop Clerk Qian Li, how are you treating our distinguished guest?! She is the young lady of Xia family! Miss please come this way, I'll take you to the VIP section."

"Okay show me what you have got." Lihua had a friendly smile on her face but for some reasons the shop clerk Two felt a shudder go down her spine. She was deeply afraid to provoke such an important customer.

Meanwhile Qian Li was thunder struck. There were four prominent financial group in beijing- Yang, Jiang, Tang and Xia family. She was well-informed about the happenings in the higher circle. This girl was the young miss from Xia family, that Xia Li hua? Hadn't she gone missing? When did she come back? She didn't even make a public appearance with the Xia family.

Qian li felt a pang of embarrassment realizing that she had indirectly insulted the young lady. It became clear why Lihua possessed a VIP black card – she was indeed a significant figure.

Xia Lihua, however, had already decided how she would deal with Qian Li later. Her top concern right now was picking out the ideal outfit ffor the upcoming birthday banquet of a renowned music producer, which was scheduled for tomorrow night. Liang Sichen had been constantly urging her to attend many social gatherings lately.

Pointing at a lavender coloured gown Lihua said, "I want to try that one." The dress was most expensive item in the VIP section, the price was in 7 figures.

The shop assistant was over that moon and couldn't conceal her happiness. "Yes Miss Xia, it is a limited edition and there is only one such dress in the whole country! It is a new arrival as well."

"I want to try it on, where is the fitting room?"

Qian Li said in a high-pitched voice, "Miss don't touch that dress!" as she was about to reach for it.

Lihua's scowl intensified, she was done with this store employee's clownery. "So, fitting room isn't an option here?"

"That piece is way too expensive, you can't damage it by touching it." Qian Li didn't want Lihua to soil the dress by trying it on.

The other shop assistant anxiously added, "Actually that dress has been booked by a celebrity. If you damage it then you have to buy it."

"Do you always threaten your customers like this?" Lihua found it really amusing and unreasonable. Her words were so piercing that the shop assistant retrieved the dress without hesitating and let her try it on.

In a blunt manner Lihua asked, "Did anyone else try this dress on before?"

The shop assistant broke out in a cold sweat and said, "Err no miss, rest assured."

"Good or else it would feel like I was buying a second hand gown."

When Lihua walked out of the changing room everyone was amazed. Wearing the exquisite gown the girl seemed to undergo a drastic change. The dress fit her right in the curves as if it was made only for her.

"Miss Xia, you look amazing!" The shop assistant exclaimed. Lihua appeared even more stunning and lively than she had in her prior casual business attire, which was obstructing her attractiveness.

"Thank you, I'll buy this one."

As Lihua sweetly smiled, the female assistant could feel her heart beat rising and she couldn't help but fangirl, "Yes miss! This long dress looks so gorgeous on you, it was made for you!"

Qian Li had a contemptuous expression on her face. She hadn't expected Lihua to look this good wearing that gown.