Forgot to check in the mirror (2)

Even the oversized and weighty necklace which didn't suit Mengrui's strapless dress stood out in the crowd. The contrasting and mismatched combination of shining obsidian diamonds and the small emerald clashed with the purple shade of the dress, creating an odd and unflattering appearance. The overall effect was bizarre and somewhat comical, giving the impression that she lacked a discerning fashion sense.

"Her necklace, it's..."

"It looks odd on her."

"I have seen that design, it's just an ordinary piece from BP jewellers."

"The necklace may have a nice design but it doesn't suit her."

The woman wearing it subconsciously touched her necklace.

What ordinary necklace-

Mengrui glanced at Su Wanwan who was standing beside her and whispered harshly, "You said it's from an exclusive collection and only 10 such pieces were sold in the entire continent."

Mengrui was aware that the necklace didn't go well with the gown she had chosen, she wanted to wear some other jewellery. However, she made a deliberate decision to wear it anyway, envisioning the envious gazes she would receive from onlookers. Despite its mismatched appearance, Mengrui chose to prioritize the attention and admiration she would attract over adhering to conventional fashion norms.

Su Wanwan was taken aback by Mengrui's abrupt and harsh words, feeling a wave of realization that she might have been deceived or tricked. "I think I was scammed..."

Mengrui sighed in frustration, her hands instinctively reaching up to massage her throbbing temples. Why this girl appeared even more unintelligent and useless than she had initially thought? "Why didn't you verify before purchasing it?"

In response Su Wanwan could only hang her head low.

Despite hoping for better, it seemed that Su Wanwan's actions and decisions consistently disappointed Mengrui. It was becoming increasingly difficult for her to understand why Su Wanwan continued to demonstrate such lack of competence and understanding in various situations. The constant disappointment only deepened the sense of frustration that Mengrui felt toward her, leaving her perplexed and exasperated.

Disregarding her negative emotions, Xia Mengrui greeted Producer Fu. Lifting a wine glass, she said graciously, "I apologize for making you wait, Teacher Fu. It seems I arrived at the last moment. Nonetheless, I'm honored to be here and celebrate this special occasion with you."

Producer Fu shook his head and said, "No need to worry Xiao Meng, you arrived just in time."

In the elegant ambiance of the banquet, the atmosphere took an unexpected turn when Zhao Yunxi, known for her scheming ways, couldn't resist taunting Xia Mengrui. With an evil smirk, she slyly whispered to Teacher Fu from behind, "Teacher, do you know your favorite student is going to quit classical music? She's dropping out of National University."

Mengrui's expression immediately changed, her joyous demeanor replaced with sadness. A single tear formed in the corner of her eye, clinging to her bottom eyelash like a delicate crystal.

Producer Fu, who overheard the conversation, couldn't help but feel concerned for his once-promising student. He approached Mengrui with a comforting smile and asked, "Is everything alright, my dear?"

Mengrui forced a smile and nodded, trying to regain her composure. "I... I'm fine, Teacher Fu. It's just... I didn't want you to discover this news in this manner, that's all."

Zhao Yunxi couldn't resist adding fuel to the fire. "Isn't it sad, teacher? Your star student giving up on classical music? What a shame."

Producer Fu's expression turned serious as he addressed Zhao Yunxi sternly, "Zhao Yunxi, it's not appropriate to spread rumors and make assumptions about others. Mengrui's decisions are her own, and we should respect that."

Mengrui appreciated her teacher's defense but knew that the news would soon spread like wildfire, causing her to face even more scrutiny and judgment from her peers and the public.

Feeling timid but resolute, Mengrui gathered her courage and said, "Teacher Fu, I want to quit classical music and become an idol. Please cheer me on."

At first, there was a brief silence, as if everyone was holding their breath to hear Teacher Fu's response. Then, the kind-hearted teacher smiled warmly and replied, "Oh, that's the reason? No problem at all! Being an idol is not a problem at all. In fact, it's even better. You have my full support, Xiao Meng."

With Teacher Fu's public declaration of support for Mengrui's idol career, an undercurrent of jealousy rippled through the crowd. Many wished they were in Mengrui's shoes, enjoying the backing of such a prestigious and influential figure in the music industry.

"Tsk. Idol, really? It's far beneath the realm of 'real' musicianship."

"That's sad really, she used to be such a good classical singer."

"Wish I had Teacher Fu backing me."

Xia Mengrui twirled the wine glass in her hand and then turned to face the crowd, that's when her eyes fell on Xia Lihua. A frown marred her otherwise composed face.

Xia Mengrui's heart pounded with indignation as she couldn't shake off the memory of Su Wanwan's revelation about Xia Lihua tearing her dress. The sight of Lihua in a beautiful dress and her exquisite face only intensified the anger bubbling within her.

'How dare she ruin my dress?' she seethed silently, clenching her fists in frustration.

However, despite her fury, Mengrui knew there was little she could do. Complaining to Yang Lingyun would likely be futile, as Grandpa Xia's request to Grandpa Yang to favor Lihua had seemingly given her cousin an impenetrable shield. Mengrui understood that Yang Lingyun's hands were tied in this matter, leaving her feeling even more helpless.

Mengrui was determined to strike back at her cousin. The brewing storm of emotions threatened to spill over as she addressed Lihua with an evil smile. "Heh, isn't this my dearest cousin?"

Xia Mengrui approached Lihua with a delighted expression on her face, but in her heart she was horrified. 'This woman is really everywhere.'

Xia Lihua stood rooted to her spot. In an attempt to cope with her surprise and perhaps to avoid any potential awkwardness she distanced herself and consciously chose to ignore Mengrui, acting as though she had no knowledge of a cousin named Mengrui in order to navigate the situation with a sense of detachment. "I am sorry, who are you?"

Mengrui's eyes widened dramatically, as if they would pop off her sockets any moment. "Oh dear, my dear cousin fails to recognize me? How utterly devastating and heart-wrenching," she exclaimed, adding a touch of playfulness to her response.

The exaggeration in Mengrui's tone and the sarcastic undertone conveyed her amusement at the situation and her intention to tease Lihua for not acknowledging their familial bond.

"I have been abroad since past five years, so naturally I can't remember. I seem to have forgotten you."

Xia Mengrui gritted her teeth tightly to conceal her mounting anger. Lihua was deliberately trying to embarrass her!

Xia Lihua seemed unfazed, calm and composed, but Mengrui could sense a flicker of annoyance in her eyes. Ignoring the tension, Mengrui continued, "I must say, I'm surprised to see you here. After all, you've been avoiding us for the last five years, haven't you?"

Lihua's lips curved into a wry smile. "Avoiding you? You flatter yourself too much. I've just been busy with my own endeavors." Her calculated demeanor was intentional, aimed at sending a clear message to the onlookers that Xia Mengrui was not a person of importance and that she could easily be forgotten.

Mengrui closed the distance between her and Lihua in small steps. She decided to go with the flow and wrapped her arms gently with Lihua's soft arms. "It has indeed been a long time sis since we last me. Let's catch up."

The sudden display of affection from Mengrui made Lihua instinctively take two steps back.

As the onlookers observed the palpable tension in the air, they couldn't help but draw conclusions about the relationship between the two cousins.

"Is this masquerade? The style of the two cousins is so different."

"You're right, one is dressed so simply and elegantly, the other one is so extra."

"What is going on in the Xia family household?"

The visual disparity between them, like a juxtaposition of styles, heightened the curiosity of those observing. The stark difference in their outfits, perhaps reflecting their individual personalities or preferences, added an air of intrigue to the situation.

Xia Mengrui dropped her head softly and wore a pitiful smile on her face. "My dress was torn by my cousin, Lihua."