Why are you wearing my fiancé's overcoat?

Xia Lihua changed into her old Joshi Kousei (JK) uniform that Ling Feiyi had fetched for her, the same one which she hadn't worn in a few years. The nine inches red plaid skirt was so short, especially at the front that it barely reached her mid-thigh. She would feel cold if she went outside wearing it at this hour but she had no choice. The well worn white shirt was very light, thin and a couple sizes smaller than her actual size.

"Damnit Feiyi! I have grown out of this size long ago. You could have just bought a new set of clothes from a nearby shop." Looking at her reflection Lihua screamed to no one in particular. "How am I supposed to go out like this?"

That shirt was so tight that the buttons were strained and in danger of popping off at any time. The skirt only just covered her butt. She pulled and stretched the hem of the skirt repeatedly as if it would magically grow few inches longer. At the very least, her make-up and hair were still intact.


Lihua heard the bathroom door creak open and her senses heightened. She thought that Mengrui had followed her looking for trouble again. With adrenaline coursing through her veins, Lihua readied herself mentally for a fight.

"Meng- you?!"

Xia Lihua's shock was palpable as she recognized the unexpected person standing at the door. "Mr Yang what are you doing here? Did you get lost? This is the girl's washroom, the men's one is on the opposite side."

"I came here to find you. Let's go back together."

Confusion mingled with her shock as Xia Lihua attempted to make sense of the situation. "Why should I go back with you?" Her response was infused with a sense of defiance, as she challenged Yang Lingyun's expectations. "I'm not obligated to follow your orders. You have no right to order me around."

"You should go back on your own," she added firmly, asserting that she would not be swayed or influenced by Yang Lingyun's presence.

Under the incandescent lights of the washroom Yang Lingyun could easily see the darker shade of her breast as well as the protruding little dots. He gazed downward, captivated by the sight of her slender legs, elongated by the six-inch heels she wore, making them appear even taller under her school girl skirt.

Slowly, his gaze traveled upward to her slim waist, accentuated by the tight band of the skirt. He looked at the button that was about to pop off, he could see her fair flesh. Her hair was neatly tied in a simple bun, exposing her bare neck which seemed enticing. He wanted to take a bite...

Xia Lihua was not trying to seduce him but sexual appeal was oozing in the air. She was a true definition of vixen. His eyes flickered, instantly became obscured by a dark and mysterious haze, filled with desire. "Are you not wearing a bra?"

"Wh..What?" Confused and alarmed, Xia Lihua glanced down at her own chest, mirroring Yang Lingyun's perspective. Reacting swiftly, she instinctively shielded her chest with her arms and let out a piercing scream, "Ahhh! Pervert! Get out."

Xia Lihua was even more astonished to see him take off his coat.

What could he possibly have in mind? Why is he unbuttoning his coat?

She wanted to take a step back when...

Yang Lingyun gallantly took off his black trench coat and gently slung it across her shoulders like gentleman, deftly buttoning it up with swift precision. As the coat enveloped her, it concealed even her plaid skirt, creating the illusion that she was donning nothing but a men's overcoat.

His coat...

Yang Lingyun licked his lips, subtly. The sight of her wearing it brought forth an involuntary, possessive and self-satisfied smile on his lips. Observing her wrapped in his clothing, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and ownership, as if she were a wild cat he had claimed as his own.

"Were you planning to go out like that?"

Xia Lihua found herself enveloped in a distinctly masculine aroma, characterized by a potent blend of musk, hints of woodiness, and a touch of citrus, intertwined with notes of pine and cedar. There was a faint smell of cigarettes as well which made her feel dizzy. She didn't try to push him away because she was well aware that what she was wearing was not appropriate and wouldn't be able to exit the ballroom without questioning gazes following her.

She nervously scratched her nose and said, "My bra got wet too. I forgot to tell my secretary to get me new one. Let's get out of here, I don't want to stay here anymore."

Yang Lingyun's aura remained dark and icy, his emotions concealed behind a stoic facade, as they discreetly exited the washroom, proceeding through the party hall, and eventually finding their way to the emergency exit. "Hmm, you're stupid."

Xia Lihua's anger flared, transforming her into a fiery little kitten, her frustration evident as she threw her hands at him. "How dare you call me stupid? Your entire family is stupid."

Xia Lihua paused briefly, gathering her thoughts. "Well, except your elder brother. He was always such a sweetheart, and I have nothing but affection for him. Also let's not forget about Grandpa Yang; he is simply lovely." In a rare display of empathy, Xia Lihua acknowledged that there were individuals within his family who had left a positive impression on her.

As Lingbing's name resounded in the conversation, Lingyun's throat constricted, a pang of emotion gripping his chest. She still loves him so deeply?

Was it possible that Lihua still harbored such deep feelings for his brother? When they were engaged he had sensed her affection and concern for Lingbing.

To hear her openly declare her attachment to him now stirred a tumult of emotions within Yang Lingyun, and his chest felt heavy with the weight of unspoken words.

Lingyun silently stared at Lihua, as the stark truth resonated within him: right from the start, he had been faced with the harsh reality that he never stood a chance with her. Lingbing held a special place in Lihua's heart, and he couldn't resent that fact, especially after his unfortunate passing.

Lingyun exhaled deeply, his heart weighed down by acceptance and a tinge of sadness, knowing that he could never replace his beloved brother. "Do you miss Lingbing?"

Lihua was oblivious to the thoughts swirling in Lingyun's mind. It was simply that his visage was grim and darker than usual, but she didn't mind. She couldn't care less about it.

"Yes, of course I miss Bing gege. How could I not?", she replied, her voice tinged with emotion. The memory of Lingbing was deeply etched in her heart, and the affection she held for him was not romantic but he had left an indelible mark on her life, and his absence left an emptiness that couldn't easily be filled.

Lingyun's heart sank as he completely misunderstood the meaning behind Lihua's supposedly cheery yet sorrowful words. It was as if a sharp nail had been driven into his chest, piercing his heart.

The hall's premises were left behind as they stepped into the night, enveloped in an atmosphere of secrecy and escape. Yang Lingyun soon recovered his stern demeanour, hinting at an underlying intensity and determination that propelled their hasty departure.

"Take your trench coat back, I don't need it anymore."

"Keep it with you. Your driver over there looks like a shrew."

A mischievous smile played on Lihua's pink lips. "Why do you care?"

"Brother Yang! I've been searching for you,"Mengrui exclaimed, her voice laced with concern as she caught up with Lingyun who had hastily departed from the ballroom. Deep down, she held a growing worry that he would seek out Lihua, and now her worst fears seemed to have materialized before her eyes. This Vixen was standing beside him!

What caught Mengrui's attention, however, was the fact that Lihua was wearing Lingyun's coat.

"Why are you here Lihua? Why are you wearing my fiancé's overcoat? Take it off."