
When Xia Lihua woke up, her eyes slowly opened to an unbelievable and distressing sight. She found herself lying naked, her body covered with painful bruises. She looked pathetic. 'Ugh, just how much fun did that guy have last night?'

There were blood stains on the bedsheet.

Xia Lihua's heart as tears threatened to fill her eyes. "I'm sorry, Yang Lingyun..."

She struggled to piece together the events of the night, but her mind was clouded with a fog of uncertainty. It was a dreadful feeling of helplessness, not knowing what had transpired and how she had come to be in this pitiful condition. Her head throbbed with a splitting headache, and her body felt weak and sore.

Startled by the commotion outside, she hastily covered herself with a sheet. To her astonishment, a group of reporters abruptly burst into the room, shoving a camera right in front of her face.