Let her have the scroll

"Four million dollars."

"Five million dollars."

"Five million five hundred thousand dollars."

Yang Lingyun's piercing gaze was as icy as the coldest winter nights and as ominous as the darkest creatures of the underworld. Xia Lihua could discern the storm of emotions within him. It was intense, like smoldering embers ready to engulf her in flames.

Xia Lihua met his fierce stare with an unwavering gaze of her own, refusing to be intimidated by his powerful presence.

[ Gu Sheng: I think even Lord Buddha can't save us now. ]

"Six million dollars."

"Seven million dollars."

"Ten million dollars."

Everyone present in the Auction hall was silent. Ten million dollars for a piece of paper was too much!

"Twelve million dollars."

"Twenty million dollars."

The host was taken aback by the rapidly increasing bids, struggling to find his words amidst the staggering amounts.