Xia Lihua didn't get a pass

There was a moment of silence, followed by an enthusiastic round of applause from the judges. Zhang Xuefeng's applause seemed genuine, acknowledging the undeniable talent Xia Lihua possessed.

Gao Ming praised, "Your ability to adapt and connect with different genres is impressive. It shows you have a broad range as an artist."

Zhang Xuefeng, "You've proven yourself to be more than just a pretty face. Your performance was convincing and showed your dedication to your craft. My ears feel like they have been blessed by your ethereal voice. Truly amazing!"

As the two judges finished praising Xia Lihua, Fu Heng began to speak with a contradictory tone. His unexpected remark caught Gao Ming and Zhang Xuefeng off guard, and they turned to stare at him, clearly surprised by his differing opinion.

Zhang Xuefeng, being experienced in the industry, sensed Fu Heng's intentions and chose a light-hearted approach. "It seems like Teacher Fu here has a different opinion?"