Bad personality

Xia Lihua, who had been lying comfortably, abruptly sat up and straightened herself, her eyebrows knitting together in perplexity. "Rumors? About me?"

Bo Yanyan nodded, her expression somber. "Yes, it' appears unfavorable. People are saying that you've been buying votes and that your personality isn't as good as it seems."

Her words hung in the air like a heavy fog on a cold winter day.

"Buying votes? Bad personality?" Xia Lihua repeated, her voice barely more than a whisper.

Bo Yanyan nodded again, her eyes filled with concern. "I know, it's shocking. I don't get why people would make up such stuff. The evidence they're using is very unclear."


Bo Yanyan held her phone up, and Xia Lihua focused her attention on the screen. There were extensive discussions and threads, each debunking a new layer of the rumor.

Looking around, Xia Lihua noticed that Xia Mengrui and Tang Susu were nowhere to be found. They must have already headed to the canteen.