Bo Yanyan is the leader of rap unit

At team A's training room

Chao Fu slipped into the training room, her wet hair clinging to her shoulders. She had arrived in a rush, foregoing the time to properly dry her hair after a hurried shower.

The mentors had already assembled, their expectant gazes fixed on the tardy participant.

Fu Heng's voice carried a tone of mild reproach, "Chao Fu, you're late."

"I apologize, Teacher Fu."

"The essence of being an idol lies in diligence and punctuality."

"Yes, sir. I understand and I'll make sure this doesn't happen again."

In the training room, 25 members of Team A had gathered, each hoping to secure a spot in one of the sub-units: vocal, dance, or rap. Presently, each team consisted of 8 members, with only one team having the chance to accommodate an extra member, thereby having a total of 9 members.

Chao Fu hesitated for a moment before speaking up, her voice a mix of determination and anxiety, "I... I would like to be part of the rap team."