Double-edged sword

The news quickly spread like wildfire, catching the attention of fans, netizens, and media outlets alike. Discussions and debates ensued, with some expressing shock at the revelation while others speculated on the motives behind the article's release.

Xia Lihua's phone buzzed incessantly as messages and notifications flooded in. She sat up in bed, her heart pounding with a mix of emotions. This was the moment she had prepared for, the truth coming to light, but it was also a storm that could potentially change everything.

She scrolled through the news article, her eyes scanning the details. Despite the implications for her family's reputation, she felt a strange sense of relief.

The article not only exposed her family's past but also highlighted her journey on "Best Idol Champ." It praised her determination, talent and resilience in the face of adversity. It painted her as a fighter, someone who had risen above her circumstances to chase her dreams.