[Bonus chapter] Wait for the surprise (2)

Xia Liyan's voice was strained as she continued to sob, her body quivering with each strike of the cane. "I'll... say... sorry to Xia Lihua... I'm sorry..."

As the flogging continued, Xia Liyan's voice grew weaker, her apologies fading into broken murmurs. Her body was on the brink of collapse, her strength waning with each hit of the cane.

Finally, Old Master Xia raised his hand, signaling for the punishment to cease. Xia Tianlin stopped, his chest heaving from exertion.

Xia Liyan's body sagged, her strength spent. She lay on the cold floor and her sobs gradually subsided, replaced by shallow gasps as she tried to regain control over her trembling body.

Old Master Xia's gaze remained fixed on her, unyielding. "Remember this, Xia Liyan. Actions have consequences. This is the price of tarnishing our family's reputation."

Xia Liyan could only nod weakly, her voice nearly gone. The room was heavy with an oppressive silence, broken only by the sound of her labored breathing.