Kicked out of the house (2)


"You might think I won't do that, but I actually would," Xia Liyan replied with a breezy laugh. 

Ding Feng, stunned and cornered, stammered, "I'll let Xia Mengrui know what you are planning to do-"

"Ah, about Xia Mengrui," Xia Liyan interrupted, her voice dripping with bitterness. "She has already turned her back on me. She's not helping me out, or else, why would I turn to you for help?"

Panic and anger coursed through Ding Feng's mind as he tried to regain control of the situation, "I'll tell Xia Lihua that it was you who drugged her."

Xia Liyan calmly countered, "I added the drug to her drink, but where did the drug come from?"

The line fell silent on the other end.

Xia Liyan's smile widened, and she continued, "Bingo! You gave me with the drug. The only thing I did was slip it into her drink. I'll tell Xia Lihua that you instructed me to do it. Once she learns the truth, she'll harbor an irreparable hatred toward you."