Voice crack (2)

The slightly higher note cracked, and a collective inward gasp echoed among Xia Mengrui's group members. Their performance was totally screwed by Xia Mengrui.

Her group members exchanged uneasy glances, grappling with the reality that their votes were on the line, casualties of Xia Mengrui's faltering performance. If they did not qualify for next round, they swore to themselves that they would eat Xia Mengrui alive for jeopardizing their chances.

The audience's disappointment morphed into audible groans and the hostile murmurs intensified. Xia Mengrui was shaking on the stage. Her hands trembled, and her face showed how upset she was. The atmosphere on the once lively stage turned heavy, making it harder for her to bear.

As Xia Mengrui stumbled through the remaining lines, her voice strained and off-key, the once-promising performance descended further into chaos.