Make things difficult for her

The mentors were gathered in a designated area to discuss and evaluate Bo Yanyan's rap performance. 

Zhang Xuefeng exclaimed, "Damn, Bo is on another level tonight. The way she commands the stage and delivers those lines is just exceptional." A beam of pride illuminated his face as he spoke about Bo Yanyan as she was under his mentorship.

Fu Heng, nodded in approval. "Bo Yanyan brought some serious fire to the stage. I could feel the authenticity in her words. It wasn't just a performance; it was a story she was telling through her rap. That's the mark of a true artist. You have guided her well Teacher Zhang."

Gao Ming chimed in with admiration, "And did you see the way she controlled the tempo? The energy was on point from start to finish. Bo knows how to command a stage, and that's a game-changer."