Worthy Opponent

It was highlighted that even if contestants didn't hold a particularly favorable opinion of each other, they were required to mention a few fellow participants they admired.

They were competitors after all; it was difficult for them to genuinely like each other.

Only few of contestants would genuinely praise others.

When Xia Lihua was asked about a contestant she would like to get closer to, she responded without hesitation, "I'd like to be friends with Qin Ran."

The interviewer leaned forward, curiosity etched on their face. "Why do you want to get close to her?"

Xia Lihua, with an air of simplicity, replied, "She is a good singer and worthy opponent."

The interviewer pressed further, "What else?"

"Nothing else."

The interviewer chuckled awkwardly, asking, "Are there other contestants you have a liking for?"

"Bo Yanyan, I think."

Based on her response, viewers might interpret Xia Lihua as being arrogant.