
"Everyone around me is always in danger too..." Her eyes became teary. "I don't want to risk anyone's lives because of me."

Liang Sichen listened to Ling Feiyi's words and her sadness hung in the crisp mountain air.

The slight shake in her tone struck a chord within him. It was a melancholic melody, as if each syllable carried the burden she bore.

"The choices I make are to protect the ones I care about. It's a lonely path, but it's the only way I know how to keep them safe," Ling Feiyi continued, her vulnerability laid bare. She turned away, gazing into the vast expanse of the sky. 

A quiet moment passed. 

Liang Sichen gently reached for Ling Feiyi's chin, urging her to look at him. He stared at her face and his mouth hung open as he saw a tear rolling down her cheek.

This was the first time he saw that annoying girl cry.