Illegal Contracts (3)

Xia Mengrui's car came to a halt in the vicinity of the Xia Family Mansion. Xia Wenjin, who had gone to pick her up at the airport, accompanied her. They were surprised to see police cars outside their house.

Perplexed and with a furrowed brow, Xia Mengrui stepped out of the luxurious car with her luggage in hand, her long, flowing hair swaying in the wind. "What's happening? Why are there police cars parked here?"

Xia Wenjin was also puzzled. He quickly unloaded rest of Xia Mengrui's luggage from the car and walked towards their house, holding the bags tightly. "I have no idea."

He left early in the morning to pick up his sister from the airport and didn't know what was happening because he hadn't caught up on the news. Then, he saw police coming out of their house, dragging their father with force.