Vocal Range

"Special mentors?" Confusion washed over the team as they exchanged puzzled glances.

"Is this some kind of surprise?" Su Ruchi wondered aloud, scratching her head.

Nan Ling said, "I think so."

At that moment, a man walked into the training room wearing nice dress pants and a stylish shirt. He looked to be in his late 40s and, even though he wasn't young, he had a polished and dignified look. 

"Hold on..."

"You've got to be kidding me..."

"Song Yazhi?!"

"I must be imagining things, or is Song Yazhi really standing right in front of us?"

As if to clear up any doubts among the girls, the man kindly introduced himself. "Nice to meet you. I'm Song Yazhi, and I'll be the special mentor for the vocal category."