I will give you two choices (2)

The room lingered in an oppressive silence as Qin Ran found herself incapable of uttering a single word. The weight of Xia Lihua's cold gaze bore down on her, intensifying the anxiety that gripped her.

Seeing Qin Ran's unresponsiveness, Xia Lihua's patience wore thin. With an icy tone that cut through the air, she issued a cold threat, "If you don't start talking right now, I'll go to the director."

Panic etched across Qin Ran's face, as she realized the severity of the situation. Desperation clawed at her, and she began to plead, her voice trembling, "No, please don't. I... I can explain."

However, Xia Lihua, unfazed by the plea, coldly spun on her heels to leave. Qin Ran, desperation evident in her eyes, began to beg, "Wait, Lihua, please! Don't go to the director. I... I'll tell you everything. Just don't go."