Find a new sponsor

"That's not all... Yang Entertainment will stop... stop... sponsoring you. If you don't find a new sponsor soon, you'll be dropped from Best Idol Champ," Su Wanwan gulped, her voice trembling as she struggled to get the words out.

"What?" Xia Mengrui felt as if her world was spinning out of control. Too much was going on. "Why did I have to be unconscious for so long? How do I fix this mess? If only I had woken up sooner."

"I...I think...Yang Lingyun has figured out the truth. It's high time you accept-"

"NO!! This can't happen. It's all because of that b*tch Lihua. She will die a horrible death," Xia Mengrui seethed, a torrent of curses escaping her lips as she ripped the needle from her wrist in a frenzy. "She must have said everything to Lingyun. I will make her regret it." Her eyes flashed with red as she leaped off the bed and made a beeline for the door.

But Su Wanwan was quick to react, grabbing Xia Mengrui's wrist firmly. "Where are you going?"