If she doesn’t become our future champion, then this show is rigged!

"Did they put a filter on Xia Lihua and publish these photos?"

"She's probably got her own personal lighting crew following her around. No way that's natural."

"Haha, you're just jealous because your favorite contestant can't shine like that! Xia Lihua is naturally stunning."

"It's kind of distracting how perfect Xia Lihua is. Makes it hard to appreciate the other contestants."

"Well, at least Qin Ran still looks decent next to her."

"Is it just me or do they always place Xia Lihua in the best spot? No wonder she looks so good."

"It's almost like they planned it to make Xia Lihua look like a goddess. The others didn't stand a chance."

"The fact that she didn't even strike a pose and is effortlessly that pretty..."

The comments kept pouring in, some dripping with subtle envy. As much as they tried to downplay her beauty, it was clear that Xia Lihua had left an indelible impression on everyone, whether they liked it or not.
