Marriage and then divorce?

Old Master Xia's expression darkened. He could no longer contain his irritation at Old Master Yang's persistence. "Xiao Lili already said she doesn't want it. Please, respect her wishes."

Lin Cuiping saw an opportunity and quickly chimed in, thinking Old Master Xia was on her side. "Yes, she already said no. We can't force it on her. It's not right to impose such decisions."

Xia Lihua knew Lin Cuiping's true feelings towards her, and her sudden support was nothing more than a convenient excuse to further her own agenda.

The insincerity of it all made Xia Lihua's blood boil.

Old Master Yang looked at Xia Lihua with genuine regret in his eyes. "Xiao Lili, I understand your feelings. My concern was always to ensure our families' honor. You need to marry to inherit your mother's properties... I thought it would be ideal if you married my grandson."

Lin Cuiping bit her lip, growing increasingly impatient. Would this old man never stop pushing Xia Lihua?