The Moonlight Meeting (1)

"Look for her!"

"Don't let her get away!"

"The countess will send her to baron Esben tomorrow. If we lose the bride, we are done for!"

The servant's voices mixed with countless steps, as the whole mansion was looking for her. She hid in the empty stable, wishing for an opportunity to run away. The butler said that the messenger would be leaving tonight, but the barn was already empty by the time she arrived. Did she miss him? How will she escape now?

The human's noises gradually subsided, and she found the courage to peek outside. The torches were not in sight, indicating the chaotic search had moved elsewhere.

Now was her chance!

She took the bag and ran in the direction, where the wall was. She needs to climb over quickly and leave the mansion before the countess mobilizes the knights. Once the search party expanded, it would be only more complicated for her to gain freedom.

Did they think she would obediently get married to that old pig they chose for her?

Dream on!

She is not an easy opponent, and she will show them to not trample on her!

Each member of the Randels family was a lunatic on their own. Obsessive young master, that won't let his half-sister go. The cherished, but poisonous daughter, that targeted the illegitimate child only to prove that she had an upper hand. The neglecting stepmother, who waited for her to reach her 16th birthday, so she could be sold off to become an old man's concubine.

How did she end up in that rotten house?

Climbing the wall was much easier this time, as her determination only hardened since the morning. She also got used to a body with weak stamina, coordinating her moves easily. Without wasting any time, she jumped down on the hard ground, only to find herself to be close to the small forest. Randel's mansion was huge, and it was surrounded both by nature and the busy streets.

Because of the nighttime, hiding among the trees was a much better option, since they couldn't trace her steps easily. If she can get away before the sun rises again, her chance of surviving will significantly increase. The horses' neighing and galloping were getting closer, as the countess finally lost patience and ordered knights to look for her.

Without any hesitation, the girl went into the forest.

After running for the same time, her body started to complain of the painful stings around the ribs. She overestimated her abilities, but it doesn't mean she can give up now. With both knights and servants joining the search, the covered area was much broader, and any rest stop would make her pursuers get closer.

"Don't look back! Just run!" She forced herself, but it was easier said than done. The forest ground was wet and not very stable, obstructing her escape in many ways. The humans were not the only danger she had to look out for, but many wild animals like wolves or bears could be found living there.

However, she would rather encounter the pack of beasts, rather than be captured again.

"I can't… anymore…" The girl leaned against the tree, breathing heavily. Her body gradually became sluggish, as her heart raced against the chest. Her fever was returning at the worst time possible.

As she fought her exhaustion, she failed to realize that she wasn't alone. The man on the black horse moved with the night, as silent as the cloud. He was surprised to find a worn-out girl in the middle of the forest. Moreover, she looked like a runaway noble lady.

"You…!" She was startled by his presence, thinking she failed to escape again. But looking at him again, the man doesn't look like a knight from the family.

Who was he? Mercenary? Traveller?

He looked young, maybe only 20 years old, and his dark blue hair flickered under the milky moonlight. His eyes were deep and seemingly stole all the colour from the ocean, mesmerizing her as she had never seen anyone so handsome.

"Neeeigh!" The horse stomped on the place and was the only one making any movement. The sound of the impatience returned her to reality.

"Please… Help me…!" She blurted out without thinking.

After hearing her words, his eyes widened in surprise like she was a thunder striking from the clear summer sky.

"Just give me a ride to the next city… No, until we leave a forest would be enough!" She pleaded. It was clear to her, that she won't make it far by running on her feet alone. If she doesn't want to be dragged back by the morning, she must stick to him no matter what. He was her ticket to freedom, and she won't let him slip away.

The man said nothing, his expression unreliable. The horse slowly moved gain.

'I didn't convince him?' The girl's eyes were filled with disappointment.

But the stranger stopped next to her, tilting his upper body down unexpectedly. His strong arm wrapped around her waist, as he lifted her and helped her sit comfortably on the saddle before him.

"W-wait…!" She was astonished by his sudden move but felt a sense of relief as he hadn't abandoned her.

There wasn't much space to move around, so she had no choice but to press her back against his firm chest. She felt her cheeks burning up, her fever must be really bad. Her nose tickled because of the mild fragrance of wood and spices coming from him.

"I-it's my first time to ride a horse, actually," she tried to break the awkward silence, but no one answered her. She was too conscious of their position, and her body stiffed, as she was afraid to lean back. And the man wasn't talkative at all, making her feel even worse.

'Fine, he helped me, I can at least forgive his unruly behaviour…'

Feeling partly safe, her eyelids become heavy. She resisted the sleepiness, but eventually lost the fight. Her head dropped to the sight, as she fell into the slumber while being embraced by a complete stranger.

Just give her a break.

It wasn't even a day since she came to possess this new body and her energy was drained.