The myth of three dragons (1)


The stranger's body fell to the ground and Luan was hindered speechless. What did he just witness? A flying silver goddess beat someone up with a frying pan. It was an incredible sight that he doubts count Randel would believe even if he told him about it.

"Mister, are you okay?" Suin asked after checking, that the stranger wasn't moving. His eyes were half open with a death gaze, so she guessed he lost consciousness. She thought the knight was some mighty warrior, but turned out he was on the weaker side.

"Don't worry! I will protect you…" she assured him. To not humiliate him any longer, she averted her gaze. Men were creatures of pride. She should at least give him some dignity by not mentioning it!

"What… is this," he pointed out to her weapon.

"Ah, I found this among trash outside… Uhhh, my cheese sandwich! I can't use this anymore…" The pan bottom was deformed as great pressure was used. She threw the kitchenware out, now it was really rubbish. She lamented the lost opportunity to make a delicious breakfast but now was not a time to think about meals. Besides, another chance will surely appear again.

"But what are you doing here alone? And who is this person?"

Without an answer, Luan stepped closer to her. Then, taking her around the waist, he holds her like a bag of potatoes, heading out from the forest.

"W..wait, Mister! Where are we going?"

Even with her on his shoulder, he was quicker than a sprinter competing at the Olympics. They left the woods in no time and ended up at the barn again. Ash was already impatiently stomping outside and let out a reprehending snort like he was blaming her for leaving him alone.

Luan sat her on the saddle and mounted the horse himself, while Ash hadn't wasted any time and galloped away.

Suin was confused. Did she make some mistakes? Why are they leaving again? She was doing fine, but the knight rode the whole day without rest, and now was on the move again. Feeling conflicted, she fought the urge to ask but eventually decided to keep silent.

Luan understood her worries, but it was more important to leave the area now. It won't take much time before the man wakes up and notices the rest of the search party. The best way to deal with him and buy them some time for their escape would be to kill him right there.

But he was sure Arianell would be too startled to witness the murder. Somehow, she wasn't afraid of hitting someone in self-defence, but killing was an entirely different matter.

"Try to rest a bit, I will wake you up when we arrive in the next city," he tucked her head closer to his chest. He knew she was conscious of their awkward closeness, but there was really no better way than to lean against each other.

"Mister, did I mess up? Who was that man?"

The man was dressed in ordinary black clothes, different from the uniform of knights. He also didn't bear any emblem that could prove his affiliation with the noble's house, but she still got an unpleasant feeling. What if it was someone sent from the county? She hasn't expected to be chased so far. Was that person sent by countess or Blaine?

Seems like that rotten family intended to bring her back, whether to lock her up again or just send her to some old pervert as an act of revenge.

"Just some robber trying to get into the farmhouse…"

"Really?" She asked suspiciously. Her heart only gets heavier because he hasn't answered her right away. What if mister got to know her real identity as a runaway daughter? Won't he try to abandon her, maybe even send her back in exchange for money?

"Don't worry about it too much, you took care of him splendidly…"

"Hey! Are you making fun of me?" Her cheek burned in embarrassment. A frying pan wasn't the best weapon to carry around, but at least it was useful. Stabbing someone was not really her style as the sight of blood still frightened her.

Suin was always strong and independent, proud of her ability to survive in the wilderness. She knew of edible plants and fruits, but hunting was her weakness. She could take care of fish and birds, but hurting bigger animals or even rabbits always made her cry a bucket.

But hearing his low-muffed voice right now, she felt like he was ridiculing her attempt to play the hero.

"Are you trying to infuriate me, mister? I'm not an easy target, though…!" Since they were basically sitting in each other embrace, his body was totally open to her. The small hand clumsily groped around his waist, looking for an opening to tease his bare skin.

Everyone was weak to her stroking finger! People are naturally very sensitive to tickling at certain human body parts, so there was no better revenge than to force him to laugh.

Luan froze as soon as her smooth warm hand touched his waist. His eyes widened in shock when she started groping around, causing him a tingling sensation similar to a light feather grazing the side of his belly. The touch was amusing and uncomfortable at the same time.

"Hah! Take this as my revenge!" Suin laughed, not knowing Luan's eyes gleamed in panic, his breath getting erratic. In the end, he couldn't stand the pressure and seized her wrist, putting it away from his body.

"Ah…" Suin locked her eyes into his and blinked twice, before realizing the ambiguous action she just committed. Her cheek turned crimson, and she hurriedly hid under his travelling cloak.

"I…I'm going to sleep now!" She exclaimed, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Luan breathed out in relief. At least he was able to hide the reddened tips of his ears for now, but what was she doing again? Arianell gave up on tickling him but buried her head onto his chest instead. This position was even worse!

Tomorrow… He will have to ask her to sit behind him again. When she was clinging to him like an octopus, it was still more bearable than everything happening now. She was silent, but he doubted she was really sleeping.

Their journey full of roller coaster's emotions has just started.