Mihail Samar

Mihail behaved like an old grumpy grandpa despite being in his early twenties. He hated the west, he hated the sight of the forest, and he didn't like talking to people, especially those sweaty workers or unruly soldiers.

He loathed spending his days travelling from place to place, sleeping at inns, sleeping at tents, and not being able to sleep in general, but he also despised not having to do anything at all. He detested people and was not afraid to tell them his honest feelings, he disliked his trading class and other subjects his father deemed to be indispensable for the leader of the merchant group.

"Mihail, you will be the successor. The Samar Group will be in your hands in the future. Everything must be for the company," his father always said. As soon as Mihail was 5 years old, he was forced to learn things he had no interest in.

There were many things Mihail hated, but only a few things that he liked. One of them was his always kind and gentle mother. He was also very fond of his older sister, whom he always looked up to, but he was too shy to admit it. Two of them were the reason, why is he now idly waiting in this city at the end of the world.

"Mihail, whatever you decide to do in the future, I will be always by your side. I will love you and protect you forever," his mother's soothing voice sounded like an angel's singing.

When his mother fell ill, he felt hopeless. He just turned 15 but thought that the world was already ending. Then when his sister took most of their workers and went out to look for medicine, Mihail felt useless.

"You stay home by her side, Mihail. Leave it to your big sister, I will find the cure," his sister told him before departing. But many years have passed without her returning.

He despised all the quack doctors, who had come and promised a miracle. He loathed himself for not studying medicine, so he could understand his mother's situation better. After many years, his mother's health deteriorated but his sister was yet to find the cure. It was the first time in Mihail's life that he decided on his own goal. He took the rest of the merchant group and went out himself.

His sister was an especially talented businesswoman. She was born to be a leader. Workers love her and her trading sense was better than anyone's out there. She could smell the opportunity even before it appeared. However, his father was an old-fashioned man, who wanted to have a male heir, thus Mihail was always forced to act like a future owner of the Samar group.

Everything is for the company, said his father. But Mihail was different. Everything he did was his family, and that was the entire reason, why he chose Deneb, the city they won't allow anyone to live and hope.

The probability of 'The Tear of Noir' appearing here was close to zero. Mihail didn't care. As long as the chance is not zero, he won't give up.

"Young master, we can already see Deneb from here," one of his guards pointed.

As they approached the village on horseback, Mihail suddenly understood its name. The city was meant as hope for better days but was hidden behind the depressive dark wall. Like the dream that turned out to be a nightmare. The city was full of people, who had long lost hope and the meaning of life, surviving each day just to wake up into hell the next morning.

I know what I'm doing here. I have a goal and I will achieve it. I won't end up like them, Mihail keeps on reminding himself to not give in and lose sight of his mission.

The biggest problem in the west was the Goddess' curse and lack of food and prosperity. The royal family provided the necessary food to keep people from revolting, but the amount was insufficient. The famine was a danger, that could break out any day, the same as the demons winning a war. If that ever happens, Deneb will be the first sacrifice.

The most desired articles from the battlefield were demons' corpses and their cores. Their nuclei were the main source of energy in this world, and without the mana stones, the technologies couldn't progress. But it was not all, even demon's skin had its use, as it was tough but much more flexible than any leather, its bone sharper than a metal knife.

However, processing demons' corpses did come with great risk. Their blood was highly poisonous, and a single drop could cause the 'black death', something his mother was suffering from.

Samars were able to get all authorization licenses quickly as if there is a merchant stationed permanently, the trade route will be secured somehow. Trading groups were necessary for the kingdom's prosperity, but like everyone else, merchants also hated to be physically present near the Forest.

Mihail expected to spend some dull time in this city, but he had no other choice than to be patient. The Tear of Noir was a legendary herb, that appeared only twice in human history. It was named after the black dragon god, as the root could be only found in demons' bodies.

It was an extremely rare medicine that could heal any sickness and the only cure known for its ability to fight the 'black death'. As the battlefield gets more active lately, the chance of miraculous ingredients appearing is also higher. Once found, it would be considered the nation's treasure, but Samars were determined to snatch it away at any price.

The first thing Mihail realized upon entering the Deneb was the crowd waving at him aggressively, like a hungry wolf eyeing its prey. He felt disappointed as the women here behaved the same way as women anywhere else. No matter the danger, those dreaming of romance would never give up their chance.

He calmly led his people inside and ignored all the stares. But then someone caught his attention like a drop of freshwater in the sea of salt. A girl was standing in the middle of the crowd with a scarf wrapped around her hair. She was dressed plainly, but he could tell she had a different upbringing from the rest. Her posture reminded him of noble ladies in the capital, her gaze was confident.

But she wasn't interested in him like the rest, she was curious about people around him. He hadn't realized that his eyes were following her every move, eventually, she felt someone watching her. She looked up and their eyes met.

Her amethyst-like eyes surprised him, he couldn't look away hypnotized by the beauty. But she probably found him to be rude. She points out her chin letting him know, that she is aware of his stare and that he should stop.

Mihail doesn't even know why, but for the first time in his life, he decided to be the one starting the conversation. He mouthed clearly and slowly few words to her.


As soon as words left his mouth, his cheeks flushed quickly. He did not understand his action, nor the fact why he felt like teasing her. Both his mother and sister loved to tease him one way or another. He always told them to stop but to no avail.

"Mihail, you are too cute, we can't help but tease a little," his sister was like an open book, wearing her honesty on the palm.

"I'm making fun of you, but I love you the most in the world," his mother used to say.

Fortunately, his horse moved quickly, not letting the girl see his red face. It would be too weird to look back, so he sat still and continued his ride.

The Samar group purchased the blacksmith before he came, as it was also a strategic workshop where various information could be gathered. He would also prefer to have a tavern under his control, but the owner of the most prominent one was a very stubborn older lady.

He got down from his horse and waited for workers to finish moving their crates when the purple-eyed girl appeared again. She stood among big strong men and looked out of place, but she didn't mind. After looking around like a lost kitty, she decided to stop by the entrance and just wait there.

Mihail hated talking to people as most of the time, people just wanted to take advantage of his position, but this was the second time he decided to make a first step. He wanted to sound nice, but somehow the words that left his mouth were rude again.

She was surprised at first, but then told him her request. It was then, that Mihail realized, that she might look like a kitty, but when she spoke out, she was ferocious like his sister. Their face overlapped and even their behaviour and demeanour were similar. He was confused. Why would a stranger remind him of someone he knows a whole life so much?

As he watched her leave, he grasped the truth. Both her, whose name he forgot to ask, and his sister were not lost. Whatever they did, they were confident in their action, and both knew, what they wanted to achieve and where they wanted to go. Unlike him, who was always running away, never knowing what he was trying to do.

"Do you know the girl, who just has left?" he asked one of the employees, who worked as a blacksmith for many years.

"That was miss Nella, sir. Is there something wrong with her?"

"Who is she? Where is she from, what do you know about her?"

"That… I'm sorry, I don't know. I only saw her talking to Mr Braun yesterday…"

Mihail was disappointed.

But it was fine. Digging information was one of Samar's group's hidden speciality, as merchants don't only trade goods, but also secrets.

Let's see how many challenges you have prepared for me, Mihail thought. The grey west suddenly gained one small colourful dot. His future doesn't seem to be as bland as he was picturing. Something interesting might happen very soon.