The News That No One Wanted to Hear (2)

As they walked through the marketplace, she could feel the anxiety in the air. When they arrived in the morning, she was so preoccupied with people's gaze, that she missed out on all the gossiping. 

"Big sister!" Rose was at her regular spot, trying to sell some newspapers. She first was taken aback by the presence of that hooded man, but soon ran to Arianell with crumpled papers in her hands.

"I save the last one for you! It seems to be important news these days…"

"Rose, why are you alone again? Where is your brother?"

"Uhm, the information guild is busy now, people keep coming in and out to ask about the situation… Brother is probably eavesdropping all day…"

She gave the girl a few small coins and sent her home.


The newspaper was full of gloomy articles. Everyone was expecting to lose the fortress soon. Won't the situation be the same as when count Randel died? Where is the new hero hiding?