The Tear of Noir (2)

Luan was floating in the void with only a small black flame flickering weakly beside him. It was a space between life and death, and he had already sunk too deep into the darkness.

He recalled the words of the demon's commander about his death coming soon. He always knew the truth but was foolishly buying the time.

"You are going to die, with your body turning to dust. Your remains will be buried without the glory. Was it worth it?" The flame spoke to him, but the knight remained silent. A dark wisp was all that was left over from the mighty demon's leader. He already passed away and his body turned to materials useful for humans, which he hated so much.

The demon's temptation does not influence him, as his mind is already weary.

'I did what I could, now I want to rest.'

His will to continue grows weaker and his body keeps on sinking deeper. The flame turned into smoke, disappearing into the air. 
