The Life Contract

Jaya observed her reflection in the mirror. The darker skin loved by the sun, the slightly curled hair lining around the face with a smooth and clear complexion. She was a typical beauty from the Southern Islands, only her deep eyes spoke of the adventures that she had gone through since a young age.

She felt the same as ten years ago and didn't see many changes in herself, but would her mother think the same? The mother, that has fallen into a coma a decade ago and the reason why she left her hometown, looking for a cure.

If everything goes right, she will be reunited with her very soon.

"Are you ready?" Mihail came into the room looking for his sister. He was dressed in a travelling cloak in case the meeting later would be successful. His palms were sweating, yet he pretended to be calm.

He expected Jaya to be thrilled about tonight, but she only showed indifference. Instead of answering him, she trained her smirk expression in front of the mirror.