The Magical Guidance (2)

When you ask a painter to hold a cleaver, he would probably be confused. Everyone has their aspiration and things, that they are used to.

"But why are you using these pebbles, Vincent?"

"Huh, that's because I can't lift anything heavier…"

"No, I mean, why don't you try lifting a pen, for example…" Arianell suggested and offered him the one she was playing with.

Vincent was flabbergasted. Of course, he tried to levitate the pen before! It was the first thing he did after discovering his magic affiliation!

He felt like she was looking down on him, but still did as she asked. If he just needs to amuse her, then be it. He can play a clown today, but won't ever sit in the carriage again, even if the commander ordered him to. He took a pen and lifted it easily. It was more natural than stones, but just as useless as anything else.

"That's it… Now, imagine the wind, Vincent."