Can’t Lose You Again (1)

The knights followed their leader to the black-market dealers' camp. What awaited them was no different from a massacre. 

Countless broken cages were scattered around, and the air was filled with the smell of incense and drugs used on the captured demonic beasts. They were kept in a state of unconsciousness with the help of narcotics, but once the effect wore off, the iron chains couldn't hold them back from a rampage.

"Kill on sight! We outnumber them, but any injuries on the knights won't be tolerated!" Gant relayed the orders to everyone.

Demons don't belong to the human society. No matter how terrific existence they were, being enslaved and locked into the small cages was the mistreatment the soldiers wouldn't tolerate. After facing them on the battlefields for many years, a certain level of respect was built between the races.