The Haunted Mansion (1)

To avoid the crowds and not cause Arianell unnecessary anxiety, Seth had to choose the route carefully. Thanks to his knowledge of the area, they were able to avoid all the main streets. But even doing so, the joyful atmosphere and the laughter still got to them whenever they went.

Arianell remembered the dance in the Deneb when the news about the victory spread. The capital city was not only several times bigger, but the density of residency was also much higher. The scale was incomparable to the point that she felt guilty for having the magician come with her.

"Seth, don't you regret missing the audience with the king today?"

"Huh, why?" The young man was confused. 

"I mean the celebration on the street is wild… If you are with the rest of the knights, you will pass by the flower path as the people shout out your name in admiration," she explained her thoughts but the magician only smirked.