The Kidnapping (1)

"It started yesterday…" The nurse explained. "Several people felt sick and fainted… I only keep the worst cases here and send the rest home. Those, who could still walk and stay conscious are trying to find help in the city, but…"

The old caregiver didn't need to finish her sentence for everyone to understand. The citizens outside the slums didn't care and the temple was too far away for them to ask for help right away.

"So far, I know about maybe forty people who are sick…"

Arianell gulped. The number was already so high. Fortunately, it wasn't like a pandemic where the sickness could spread by air, but if they don't find the source of the poison soon, there will be more victims.

"What about their symptoms?" She asked.

"It's all the same… High fever, vomiting, black dots on the skin and… Their old wounds and scars that should have been healed a long time ago opened again and started to fester…"

Arianell heart thumbed. There was no doubt now.