The Moonlight That Brings You To Me (1)

It was the end of February and the winter in the west was still strongly reigning over nature. However, the Randel's estate was located more in the south and the weather was milder here. Although the temperature was just slightly above zero and the water still froze at night, the snow on the landscape had already started melting.

While others preferred the warmth of the carriages, the lone knight rode the horse alone as he was getting closer to the estates. It wasn't that late, but the sun set early, and the surrounding was already dark.

Luan stopped at the gates to the lord's mansion and waited for the queue of carriages to clear up. Seems like the large-scale party was being held tonight, which was no surprising considering the count's daughter was celebrating her sixteenth birthday. It was an exciting day for a girl who just stepped into adulthood, and many people rushed to wish her the best.