The Gold, Silver, and Black Dragons (1)

"Hey, are you sleeping?" A gentle voice asked the young man who lazily closed his eyes as he was lying under the shade of the big tree. He put his head on the woman's lap like it was the best pillow he could rest on.

"Riwan, you are just pretending to not hear me, right?" She asked and poked his cheek. His golden hair shined more brilliantly than the summer sun, while her black locks looked the same as the cool shadow cast by the oak.

"I like the days like this when we don't have to rush anything. I like listening to your voice, it's the same as the breeze on these hot days…" Riwan answered with a smile. If possible, he would like to spend more time in the same position.

When it was just three of them, days like these seemed like eternity. But now, he missed them to the point where he would run to Noirelle, asking her to just sing him a lullaby so he could take a brief nap.