Countess Seaton (2)

The main estate of the Randel family wasn't a historic piece of land, but it was still pricey even by today's standards. Previous count Randel bought the house more than 25 years ago when he first participated in the war. He had a wife and a newborn baby boy and wanted to give them a beautiful and comfortable place to stay.

With extensive reconstruction and building of more and more side houses, the complex becomes the prized property that no nobles need to be ashamed of.

So, how could the treasure of the bloodline become the collateral for the loan?

"I h-have no explanation for this, my lady…" Lambert looked like he wanted to cry. He has been butler for the Randel's house since the beginning and has seen the fair share of woman's vanity, but not in the wildest dream would he imagine the countess would do something like this.