Jealousy (1)

"Wife! Where have you been? The doctor said you shouldn't be straining yourself…" The elderly man walked towards them to help the madame. He was neatly dressed and with many grey hairs covering his head, he looked like a gentleman who took good care of his family. 

"Oh, who is this young lady…?" His eyes stopped on the guest as he took the liberty to guess her identity.

"No way…! Why did you bring Arianell Fiore?!" The young lady jumped up. There weren't many people in the world with silver hair and amethyst eyes, but not in the wildest imagination would she expect to meet with that rumoured person here.

"Georgiana! Don't be rude!" The countess warned scorned. "Please don't mind my eldest granddaughter… She is young and impulsive, and still learning the proper etiquette…"