Bethrotal Gift (1)

The sound of the pen dropping sliced through the room as Arianell supported her head with both hands. She was sitting behind the table with the sheet of paper splashed with ink before her, thinking about what to write.

It was already late, yet she wrecked her brain and refused to give up. The Duchess of Taranis was very nice to her from the start, but she refused to maintain contact due to her distrust towards the revealed heritage. Now, it was time to ask for the favour, yet she didn't know how to contact the old madame properly.

"Dear grandaunt, can we go to the temple and ask for the confirmation of the bloodline together…? This sounds ridiculous, isn't it?" Arianell sighed, but every second she wasted on hesitating, the magical beast's suffering was prolonged.

"Do you have a lot of work?" Luan entered the room.

"N-no… Why are you not sleeping yet?" She put the paper away and looked up.