We used to..


Scorpion informed me of the arrival of the gang members Kiara had sent to pick us up, and we both made our way towards them.

After jumping into the sea and transforming back to butterfly form, I subconsciously lost consciousness. Thank goodness Scorpion was with me at that time to assist me, and luckily for us, we weren't followed.

"Donna, do you mind telling me how you've been feeling for the past few days?" a lady asked as I took my seat. From her appearance, she seemed to be a doctor.

"Sometimes I feel weak and nauseous, and I usually have a huge appetite lately."

"I wouldn't want to make any guesses, so I'll be taking your blood for a test," she said, and I just nodded.

No matter what my results say, I'm still not going to back out of this mission. [Are you sure?]

"Yes, and since you're paired with me, you should know in detail what is happening to me, so why not tell me?" I said lazily.