

Ramona kept staring at her phone, irritation etched across her face, as her father's relentless nagging continued. Her eyes, once warm and inviting, were now clouded with frustration. Each word from her dad seemed to echo like an annoying drone in her ears.

Her lips, once poised to break into a smile, were now firmly set in a tight line, twitching with irritation. She couldn't help but clench her fists, her entire body tensed in response to the ceaseless lecture she was receiving over the phone.

Her eyebrows furrowed, and her jaw clenched in a futile attempt to suppress her exasperation. She discreetly rolled her eyes, hoping that perhaps her dad would notice her sudden change in demeanor. However, the constant stream of words made it clear that he had no intention of letting her escape his relentless tirade.

With a deep sigh, she tried to maintain her composure, but the irritation was evident in every gesture and expression.