You've lost it


"You mean that old man is coming here?" GP questioned for the nth time, and I felt like sealing his mouth with tape.

"GP, I think you should take a look at yourself in the mirror properly before you call someone else old," I scoffed.

"You see why I never wanted you to visit with that old man? Now you talk like him," GP scoffed and took a seat beside me.

Well, I still can't forget the drama GP created when I wanted to visit Semion Mogilevich while pregnant with Ramona.

For some reason, I feel that both of them have old scores to settle, but they try to behave cool because of us, which should continue because I'm already so tired from having one revelation after another.

"You both should calm down, and he's just visiting for three days," Della finally spoke up, trying to comfort GP, but the opposite happened.

"Three days!!!" GP screamed, freaking out.