Like a fox


I looked at my watch for the third time and then outside the car windows, and there she was, walking sluggishly towards me as if we had all the time in our palms. I took a proper look at her to see if she had any dark circles or looked tired, but none was the case.

"We still have an hour before the time Aunt asked us to come over. I wonder why you're here so early," she scoffed, closing the door.


"Shh, I don't want to hear it. I prefer the silence I'm listening to right now over a second word from you," she said with a sigh, looking out the window.

How did she end up like this?

I wanted to ask but couldn't for some reason, since everything began after our mission in Russia and me telling her I have a girlfriend, which isn't true. I just wanted her to get over me and find someone that would treat her better, not someone like me. Well, I'm not bad, but I don't think I can love her like she wishes.