The Imperial Palace’s Invitation (1)

Contrary to what my father had said, my crystal fever lasted for almost a week. It has been so long since I have felt this sick in my current life and also back in my original world. In this past week I was always laying down in bed with on and off fever and body pains. Fortunately, three days ago I got better, and my fever did not come back.

My father was so on edge with worry this past week due to my crystal fever. I was happy that I was feeling a lot better and is recovering from the crystal fever. My father at last had a sigh of relief at last, but the peaceful days did not last since an invitation to the imperial palace was sent yesterday. I still remember mu conversation with my father yesterday.


"You do not need to go if you do not want to." My father said. "You had just recovered from your crystal fever. I am afraid that your body would not take the three hour carriage rife from here to the capital."