Limited VR Helmet


Blake jolted awake when he heard a crashing sound from his side, he quickly sit up bare-chested and glanced to the right where he finds the window inside his bedroom was shattered.

"What happened...?" He mumbles to himself.

Just then, his ears pick up the sound of a car alarm ringing outside.

Getting up from the bed quickly, he heads over to the window to check. Looking out of the window, his eyes widened when he saw what seems to be a delivery truck crashing against a street light.

Since his apartment is only on the third floor, he can quite see the situation clearly.

In a hurry, Blake grabs a shirt and quickly heads down to help the driver. As he got out of the apartment building, there was still no one on the scene. But it's natural, it's in the middle of the night and people were asleep.

"Sir! Are you okay?!" Blake exclaimed, poking his head into the shattered window of the car.

Finding that the driver was unconscious and had blood drizzling down from his head, Blake panicked. Opening the door from the inside, he decided to try and take the driver out of the car to have a better look.

Blake knows how to do CPR, and the driver might need it to survive.

Just as his arms were about to reach the driver, Blake was thrown off when he finds that there was a hole in the driver's head. It doesn't seem like a head trauma, but more like a clear-entry wound.

It was then, a sudden force struck him on the back of the head hard.

Upon feeling this sensation, his mind instantly turns cloudy as he falls back to the street while holding the back of his head in pain. A groan seeped out of his gritted teeth as he rolls on the ground.

"Quick, search the back!"

"Remember, there should be two of them. Grab them before more people gathered here!"

Despite the pulsating pain that he felt in his head, Blake can hear what these people are saying. Peeking through squinting eyes, he was surprised to find three people in black gear, fully armed and wearing bulletproof vests.

Judging from their appearance alone, they seem to be mercenaries.

"Fuck, there's only one here! I can't find the other one!" A man wearing a skull mask shouted.

Albeit hazy, Blake can see that the man has bright emerald eyes.

Standing on the side while holding a long sniper rifle is a woman, there's a tattoo of a coiling dragon on her arm poking out of her black shirt underneath the bulletproof vest, "What? we were told that there will be two here!"

With a swift stride, the woman looks at the back of the delivery truck.

Clicking her tongue in displeasure, she finds what the man said was true. "Seems like they are being cautious, they probably dispatched two cars. Let's get back, we take what we can!"

As she said that, Blake saw another man walking towards him.

"What are we going to do with this rat?" He asked, staring straight at Blake with cold eyes.

Upon hearing this, the woman then waved her hand nonchalantly. "Get rid of him, we need to keep it clean. No witnesses" She said mercilessly, there doesn't seem to be any hesitation in her tone.

The man then takes out his handgun from its holster and points it at Blake.

"P-Please, don't kill me..." Blake pleaded, he cursed his luck to be in this situation.

But the man ignored his plea and cock the handgun back, leaving Blake pale with fear as he realized he was about to die. "Sorry pal, you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time"

Just as Blake closes his eyes out of fear, his body jolted hearing a gunshot.

Instead of being shot and sent into the afterlife, Blake didn't feel anything. Opening his eyes slowly, he finds the man hissing in pain while holding his bleeding hand. Someone else shot at him.

"Who the fuck shoot me?!" the man roared in anger.

Upon seeing the man get shot, the woman glanced up at the rooftop of a building before she frowns. "We'll retreat, they're here already. At least we got one, this night is not a total failure. Move!"

With that, the three mercenaries sprinted away to escape.

A couple more shots can be heard reverberating through the entire place which forces Blake to duck down and stay low on the ground, the gunshots only stopped when the three mercenaries disappeared into a junction.

In a minute of silence, Blake looks around and finds there was nobody on the street.

Only when he finds that the coast is clear that he hesitantly move his body. But relief soon filled his heart when he heard police sirens in the distance, 'Okay, this is the worst day of my life! I got fired and now this?!' Blake complained in his head.

About half an hour later, Blake walks back to his apartment building.

For the past thirty minutes, the police grilled him with questions to get the facts. Blake responded honestly and endured the interrogation until he was eventually released, thankfully.

Casting a glance at his back, Blake sighs before he quickly gets inside.

Upon reaching back to his apartment room, he went to the fridge and make an icepack before compressing it at the back of his head that is still throbbing. "Damn those people, why is it have to be me that experienced this?"

"What are they searching for anyway inside a delivery truck? Weirdos" he added.

Now that he is in the safety of his home, he started cursing those three mercenaries to vent out his frustration. It was peaceful earlier, he was enjoying his sleep, and then this unexpectedly happened.

After sitting on the sofa for a couple of minutes, he decided to screw it and go back to sleep.

But as soon as he entered his room, he cursed once again finding that his window was broken. It must be some pieces of the car that got propelled from the crash, the truck is in a rough shape so it makes sense.

Even the back of the truck was cracked open, it seems the driver is going really fast.

"Must be because of those three mercenaries chasing after him" Blake mumbles to himself. When he was about to clean the shards, his eyes suddenly land on something in the corner of his bedroom.

Looking at the black box, Blake frowned as he didn't recognize that it was his.

Blake strides over and grabbed the quite heavy, big black box and put it on his bed. Inspecting it, he noted its intricate designs, carvings, and smooth material. "What is this...?" he wondered.

Aside from that, there's also a logo of two swords clashing against each other above the box.

Upon looking at the cool-looking logo, Blake takes a closer look and finds a limited edition stamp at the corner of the box. Feeling a bit curious, he decided to open the box to see what was inside.

It was then he stumbled back when he saw the content of the black box.

"Wait a minute, is this what I think it is...?" Blake thought, he tries to rub his eyes fearing that he might be hallucinating because of his head injury. But even then, the content of the black box is still the same.

What he found inside the black box was what seemed to be a VR helmet.

As he has already seen the introduction trailer for the VR helmet for the Seven Moon game, the helmet inside of this black box looks identical aside from the color that is supposed to be grey instead of deep red.

Taking the helmet out of the box, he marveled at its design for a moment.

Just then a smile creeps into his face as turns out, the thing that shattered his window is the VR helmet for the Lunaris game. It costs $4,998 to get one, and this is supposed to be the limited edition one which should cost way more.

Blake instantly didn't mind the window, it doesn't compare to the cost of this VR helmet.

While marveling at the helmet, a thought suddenly came to mind. 'Hmm... will the company be searching for this? Well, it doesn't matter, it's an accident and my safety is endangered, so at the very least I can get this VR helmet for free'

'Since I'm awake already, let's install it first so that tomorrow I can play it'

Rummaging through the inside of the black box, he spots a deep red card that is placed neatly inside. Ignoring the card for now, he brings the black box outside to his gaming table before reading the manual that he found.

About fifteen minutes later, the installation process started.

Now the VR helmet is already connected to the PC through cables and has begun the installation of the drivers. By the looks of it, the installation would probably finish in about five to six hours.

Leaning back on his gaming chair, his eyes then darted to the deep red card.

Curious, Blake picked up the deep red card and turned it over, revealing a stunning illustration. It depicted a fox woman with long white hair, gorgeous nine tails, and also upright ears on her head. Her dress-like armor was a deep red color with black trim, and she was bewitchingly beautiful.

She also has eyes with different colors, one is scarlet red while the other is glowing blue.

Moreover, she seems to be drawing two intricate swords from her back that are similar to the drawings on the black box. Overall, she looks like a very strong fantasy character, a duelist probably.

At the bottom right of the card, Blake finds something written there.

'Persona: Scarlet Fox of the Forsaken Duelist'

'Limited Edition: Player Killer, 1 of 38'

Upon reading the writings, Blake tap himself on the back as the fox woman is exactly as he thought, a duelist. Now, he's a little bit intrigued as this might be the auxiliary item that is exclusive only to limited edition VR helmets. 'Is it only a card? Or can I insert this somewhere into the helmet?'

Just as he thought of that, Blake frown when he saw a glint from the fox woman's eyes.

"Am I dreaming, or her eyes glowed just now?" Blake whispers to himself.

But his surprise was cut short when the fox woman's eyes flashed brightly, overwhelming his vision entirely in the radiance of red light. Following that, his gaming chair was pushed backward, making him fall to the ground with a loud thudding sound.

Not stopping there, Blake can feel something entering his eyes and it feels like burning.

It happened so fast that when Blake managed to shake off the confusion, his apartment was back to normal again. Blinking his eyes a couple of times, he tries searching for the deep red car in his hand a moment ago yet couldn't find it.

'What was that...?' He thought in confusion.

As Blake tries to get back up again, his heart almost jumped out of his chest when he heard an abrasive womanly voice coming from the back. "Hmmm... where am I? And what is this suburban place? It's so small and underwhelming"