An Angel (1)


Blake jolted out of his trance when he heard the young boy cry behind him. The sight of the vicious dog chasing after the boy, trying to bite him, must have been incredibly terrifying for someone his age.

Turning around, he then knelt beside the boy with a reassuring smile.

"Stop crying already, the dog is not going to attack you again" Blake said with a light sigh

Listening to the boy crying annoyed him a little.

Despite his pitiful attempt to calm the young boy down, the boy cries even harder instead which puts Blake in a difficult situation, he didn't know how to handle kids as he has never been around a kid before.

In his family, he was the youngest, so he was not good at dealing with kids.

Scratching the back of his head in confusion, Blake tries to find the other kids that were with the young boy but they were nowhere to be seen. 'Crap, now I'm forced to deal with this kid. Whatever, the police officers should still be nearby and I can leave the kid to them'

As he was thinking about dumping the kid to the authority, a person approaches.

Glancing to his right, Blake saw a stunning woman that freezes his entire body, walking towards them with steady steps. She puts on an appealing smile that somehow has the ability to slow down time and went over to the young boy.

Crouching in front of the boy, she then rubbed the boy's head gently.

"Hey, it's alright now. You're safe. The dog is not here anymore" the woman said delicately.

Upon hearing the woman's soothing and comforting voice, the young boy peeks at her with teary eyes, still sobbing. "It must've been very scary for you," the woman said, she then hold the young boy's hands, "take deep breaths with me. In and out... can you feel your heart slowing down?"

Listening to the woman, the young boy nodded his head lightly and started to calm down.

Seeing the cute young boy, the woman smiled and pull the young boy into her embrace, "You're such a brave boy, it's going to be okay now. I'm going to be here with you" she added which makes the young boy gradually relax.

On the other hand, Blake watches this with unblinking eyes.

In front of him is a beautiful woman whom he has never seen around the neighborhood, she has brown wavy hair that falls to one side like a waterfall and fair white skin. She seems to radiate comfort, almost bewitching Blake's senses.

Gazing down at her clothes, she wears a rather casual outfit.

A white and grey striped crop shirt and black leather jacket adorn her upper body, accentuating her feminine curves. While her lower half is covered in black jeans and black kitten heels, an outfit perfect for a night out on the town.

Finishing her looks are a pale black choker and a necklace on her neck.

Just the sight of the woman's appearance alone, seemingly coming out of heaven itself, Blake can't help but praise her to be one of the most beautiful people he has ever seen. In that moment of haze, he can't help but blurt out his thoughts.

"A- An angel..."

Hearing his voice, the woman glanced at him with an air of mystery around her.

It was amplified by her mesmerizing eyes, a shade of ethereal grey.

Locking eyes with the woman, Blake quickly averted his gaze as his heart was thumping uncontrollably under her intense gaze. But then, he forced out a question in his mind, "Are you the boy's mother?" he asked.

Seeing Blake being nervous, the woman giggled sweetly, her voice is melodic.

"No, of course not. Mother is not as beautiful as this sister" Out of nowhere, the young boy replied innocently. He answered that almost instantly, he didn't even hesitate, almost as if that should be obvious.

Blake and the woman widened their eyes when they heard this.

In the next second, a different reaction came from both of them. Blake was drowned in laughter at the young boy's honesty, while the woman was at a loss for words as she was completely caught off guard.

"Y- You can't say something like that about your mother, it's impolite!"

"It's okay, at least you're honest kid. You'll become a great man in the future"

Gaining a difference response from the adults in front of him, the young boy fidget with his fingers as he was confused. But then, the woman glanced at Blake and squinted her eyes warningly.

"A-Ah... I mean, that's not polite. Yes... you can't do that" Blake quickly corrected.

Upon hearing Blake's half-assed answer, the woman could only sigh. She grabbed the young boy's hand and straighten her back, "Let's get you back to your parents, do you know where they are?"

"Yes, I sneaked out to play football. But I don't think I want to play anymore" the boy replied.

A moment later, Blake and the woman brought the boy back to his home.

Since the boy sneaked out to play football with his friends, his house is not that far from the park. In fact, it was very near, only a block beside the park so it doesn't take long to bring him back home.

Naturally, hearing what had happened, the boy's mother thanked Blake dearly.

Just knowing that she was completely oblivious to the fact that her son sneaked out, as well as receiving the news that the boy was almost injured, the boy's mother became emotional and almost started crying.

"Here, take this" the boy's mother insists while handing a plastic bag to Blake.

The delectable smell of food makes Blake's stomach growl in anticipation, as he had planned on purchasing dinner on the way home due to his extreme hunger. It brings him joy to get a home-cooked meal, he was already anticipating to eat it.

It's been years since he has ever gotten any home-cooked meal.

As he left home due to his unruly relationship with his sister and mother, he has never gotten to eat home-cooked food in such a long time. Blake was thankful for the boy's mother, he could feel the warmth through the plastic bag.

"It's not much, but this will at least prolong your night together" the boy's mother said.

Blake and the woman were confused when they heard this, but then the young boy's mother glanced at the woman and smiled, "You have such a strong and good boyfriend. If I'm twenty years younger, then I might envy you for having such a manly boyfriend. I heard it was painful, being bitten by a dog"

"Thankfully, you don't seem to be hurt anywhere" she added in relief.

Realizing what the boy's mother meant, Blake and the woman could only smile wryly.

Although that is the case, secretly when the two are not looking, Blake turns his head to the side in tears before he covers his mouth with his hand, 'Aunty, you're the best. I really hope I could have a beautiful girlfriend like her. So thanks for the compliment, really'

With that, Blake and the woman bowed slightly and bid their goodbye to the boy's mother.

Once the door of the house shut in front of them, they were enveloped by the darkness of the night once more. Both of them straighten their backs, and then an uncomfortable quiet filled the air between them.

Despite wanting to stay longer with the woman, he dissuades that idea completely.

'She seems to be a proper woman from a high-class family, her demeanor and even her branded clothes scream that. An unemployed person like me is not in her league, better leave while my presence is still strong' Blake thought and nodded inwardly.

Blake then turns to the side and said, "Well, I'll get going then. Be careful on the way back"

Not intending to wait for the woman to answer, he started walking away as he also wanted to quickly eat the food before it gets cold. It's going to be the best food in a while, he usually ordered food.

Home-cooked meals hit differently, and he can't wait to try them.

Just before he could reach far, the woman suddenly called out to him from the back.


Upon hearing this, Blake stopped to glance back at the woman half expecting anything with one of his eyebrows raised. Pausing for a moment, the woman looks down seemingly embarrassed as to what she was about to say.

At the sight of this, Blake lets himself for once have a little bit of hope.

Instead of what he was expecting, the woman suddenly exposes her pout as she raises her face, "Where are you going? Are you going to hog the food for yourself? I don't think the aunty from earlier only gave the food for you"

"Eh...?" Blake's expression flattened as he was not expecting this at all.

He smiles dejectedly at the woman's words, 'Of course it's the food, what am I thinking?

A couple of minutes later.

Blake was currently eating the home-cooked meal with a dark expression on his face, it's not that the food is bad, but he was annoyed at Salana who is currently laughing her ass off on the ground as she can tell that Blake was expecting the woman to be a little bit interested in him.

However, the woman is only fixed on the food instead of him.

Glancing to the side, the veins on Blake's neck bulged, he wanted to scream at Salana.

Despite dying to do that, he decided to hold it in as if he did that then the woman would think he was weird, screaming at an imaginary person in the middle of the night. If that happened, he could forget hoping the woman to be interested in him.

Currently, the two were back at the park after taking a brief stop at the supermarket.

Although the situation is not as expected, the food at least tastes beyond his expectations.

In the midst of enjoying the meal, the woman then rummages through a plastic bag.

Blake steals a glance at her, and he finds her taking out a couple of things from the plastic bag. Bandages and ointments to be exact, and he was confused as to why she bought those things when she doesn't seem to be hurt anywhere.

Just then, the woman turns towards him and said, "Show me your arm"

"Huh...? What for?" Blake asked back, still confused.

Looking at Blake weirdly for a couple of seconds with her riveting grey eyes, she then replied, "I saw you save the kid from earlier, you got bit by that dog, and now it's bleeding. Give me your arm so I can treat it"

Upon hearing this, Blake looks at his arm in reflex and finds that it was bleeding.

"Oh, right... here" he decided to comply.

Rolling his left sleeve to show his left arm was the one that got bitten by the dog earlier, he saw bite marks on it. He didn't feel anything, he didn't even remember that he was bitten until now when the woman mentioned it.

"I thought it would be worse, but this is not that bad" the woman commented.

After saying that, the woman started to treat the bite mark.

Pouring water on it to clean the bite mark, she then started applying a couple of ointments before she wrapped it neatly with the bandages she bought from the supermarket. She was engrossed in it and didn't realize Blake was looking at her face.

While watching her work, Blake complimented her beauty once again.

Even when she was treating his wounded left arm, she still looks very attractive with her rosy cheeks on top of her wavy hair that falls down to the side of her face. Snapping out of his daze, he then glanced to the side and finds that the woman has an avatar.

It quickly lighten up his expression when he saw the woman playing the Lunaris game.

'Great, she played the game, then maybe I could still meet this woman after this'

Unlike most of the people he saw that have an avatar that choose Human as their starting race, the woman choose an Elf, and she was level 14 which means she played the Lunaris game quite a lot.

But as he was thinking of ways to lead the conversation, something unexpected happened.


Feeling a sting in her palm, the woman yelped in pain.

It happened when she puts her hand on the grass, and when she looks down she finds that there was a random thorn on it which causes that stinging pain. "Why is there a thorn lying around here? It hurts" the woman complained.

Just then, Blake's eyes landed on the woman's palm that was scratched by the thorn.

On her palm is a scratch, it was not that deep and big but enough to let out a single droplet of blood to seep out. At that moment, something shocking happened. Blake suddenly feels his throat dry, and it causes him to gulp harshly.

'Hold on a minute... why- why is her blood alluring?'