Dungeon Differences

In its core definition, a Tank is someone whose skills and stats attribution are focused on the purpose of drawing and holding the enemies' attention, absorbing damage for the party, and also protecting the party.

A crucial role in executing a raid inside any dungeon regardless of its difficulty.

Some higher-difficulty dungeons are evolved into a place that might not need a controller or even damage dealers that are squishy or glass cannon. But as far as Tank-role is concerned, it's needed in any type of dungeon.

Despite Blake's abilities were not that of a Tank-role, he undeniably acted like a Tank.

Blake single-handedly forced the enemies to focus their attention on him while simultaneously protecting his party members from the Flalynx. Additionally, he also managed to break the enemies' formation

On top of all of that, he also did substantial damage to dozens of Flalynx.

Issaiah and the other adventurers were amazed that Blake is capable of being this versatile, he didn't need time to adjust, he acted accordingly, and didn't jeopardize the safety of the party members.

"What the heck are you guys waiting for? Start attacking!" Blake shouted.

Finding that the four were not moving from their spots, he was flabbergasted in response.

It's like he was inside the dungeon alone without any party.

Snapping out of their stunned condition, the four of them quickly jumped into the fight to help Blake who was defending himself against the Flalynx that are ferociously attacking him from all angles without stopping.

Although he adapted to reading movements through blood, this situation is the first for him.

Blake is now faced with a situation where he needs to focus on more than one.

Many Flalynx can be seen coming for him from all sides. He already adapted to fighting one-on-one and also becomes more attuned in isolating fights to his advantage with his skill, however, he has never faced this many mobs at once before.

Thankfully, his party has started to regain their composure and started helping.

As expected, Issaiah seems to have the Swordsman class. He was adept in skill involving slashing strikes, multiple slashing strikes at the same time, and also parrying the swipe attacks from the Flalynx.

On the other hand, the other adventurers are also showcasing their abilities.

Not too far to the right, Blake can see the man with two scimitars attacking the Flalynx with extreme agility, flaunting both of his melee weapons like a butterfly and doing acrobatics that is quite deadly and unpredictable.

Behind the team of three were the other two adventurers that adopt a different style.

The one with the staff can create shields to protect Blake, Issaiah, and the man with two scimitars from the Flalynx explosions, while the other one seems to be an elemental mage that could harness numerous elemental attacks.

Under their teamwork, the last Flalynx was eventually slain in two minutes' time.

Due to sustaining a couple of explosions head-on while his party was in a daze, Blake was damaged quite severely. However, the one with the staff healed him, and he was now ready to fight again.

But as he was being healed, the healer was surprised a little seeing Blake is fine.

Considering that Blake probably has a class that involves melee-weapon as well as shadow magic, he was not expecting Blake to have the same resilience as an actual Tank would have. He was quite resilient for a non-Tank focus.

It was quite weird to find that he was not that hurt from the explosions.

"We're still at the outer area of the dungeon, Flalynxs dominated this place. If you want, we can start moving to the inner part. There would be lesser monsters, but they would generally be more rewarding to kill" Issaiah said, wiping the sweat on his forehead.

Blake pauses a second before he glanced to the left and squinted his eyes.

"Before that, I have something to do"

"Something to do? Isn't the reason for you to come here to get stronger?"

Issaiah was confused when by Blake's statement, the sole purpose of a dungeon is to level up and get stronger or gather crafting materials to create equipment. So he didn't understand what Blake is here for.

Not intending to answer, Blake heads in the other direction leisurely.

Having no other choice, Issaiah and the other adventurers decided to follow him silently.

Along the way, Blake was quite further away from the others before he then asked Salana something that is bugging his mind, "Say, can you explain to me more about the Dungeon in this world? Is it the same as the usual games I played or is there anything different?"

"It's generally the same, but there are some differences worth mentioning," Salana said.

Pausing for a moment to arrange her thoughts, she then explained, "Dungeons in this world are differentiated into two categories, cleared and uncleared. The cleared dungeon will not have any limit as to how many people get inside it, but the Boss of the dungeon will get stronger the more people inside. Due to that, people instead aim for a separate dimension to tackle the dungeon only with their party alone. But this can only be done through getting a Dungeon Key, and it's very hard to get it"

"On the other hand, uncleared dungeon can only be entered by a limited amount of people. It generally offers more rewards from experience, hidden artifacts, and even dropped items. Although that's the case, it's generally more dangerous as nobody knows what's inside"

Upon hearing this, Blake was quite interested, this is certainly a new mechanic.

In the games he played, there will always be a limit of players inside one Dungeon server that depends on the difficulty. The highest limit would be the Raid Dungeon, which can involve hundreds of players at the same time.

Other than that, the maximum number of players would probably range from 5-10.

Now that he knows about this, Blake could already feel the headache one needs to get through when a Dungeon Boss is defeated. It's probably similar to when a Raid Boss is defeated in a regular game where people fight for the dropped items.

Just thinking that alone Blake could feel the hassle when it happened.

Traversing through the dungeon, taking a path to the left of the lave source earlier inside an entrance of the outer area, Blake eventually came into another section of the dungeon that is similar to the one he was in before.

But now, he can see a couple of adventurers alongside their parties fighting Flalynx.

Gazing at these adventurers, Blake couldn't help but devise an evil plan.

'If only the dungeon can be entered alone, then I could steal the kills from these people. But hey, there might be a group out there that is entirely based on doing that, so maybe I can find them and work with them'

Knowing that the game is quite real, doing anything he can to get stronger is the right way.

Blake doesn't feel dirty or anything if he takes the last hits from NPCs, so if there's a chance, he would. Luckily for these adventurers, he has another objective today, and that objective is standing at the far fetch of his eyes, fighting a couple of mobs.

"Oh! I think you're very lucky today, Blake" Salana commented from the side.

Upon hearing this, Blake squinted his eyes.

It was then he shakes his head in disbelief when he finds that DollBill04 is also at a party, and worse than that, his party is composed of all players. A couple of good things and bad things came to his mind that puts him in a pondering process.

The good thing is that he could finish the Persona Quest rather easily.

As DollBill04 is in a party of five just like the requirement, if he could kill them all twice, then he would finish the Persona Quest. But the bad this is that a couple of them are quite strong, a notch stronger than him.

Considering they have two days start than him, it doesn't surprise him.

Since he was expecting that he would be alone here inside the dungeon with DollBill04, he thought that this will be easy. But turns out it was not going to be easy, this situation has become very tricky.

One is to deal with the players, and second, he couldn't be seen by other NPCs inside.

Now, the famous phrase doesn't fit his situation.

It was a famous phrase because normally, inside a dungeon, there's only a party or two, and proving crime inside the dungeon is quite impossible with a little bit of finesse. But now, with everyone here, there will be many witnesses.

Noticing that Blake is hawking at another group, Issaiah frowns.

"Do you have a problem with that party? I can quite see that you're plotting something against them" he asked suspiciously, Blake's expression clearly showed that he was planning something against the other party.

Blake shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly, he doesn't intend to lie.

"Yep, sort of. Say, will there be a penalty for me if somehow they died?" he asked curiously.

Issaiah pauses for a second to analyze what Blake meant, he then realized what he means, the construct of his words that hides a specific meaning is not subtle at all, "If it's a citizen of Carymount City, then killing them will have a severe penalty, and you would probably become a criminal and be hunted down"

"And if it's not a citizen of Carymount?" Blake asked again, his smile blooms wider.

Knowing where this conversation leads, Issah nodded his head firmly.

Since he has lived in the city most of his life, he knows how the laws work around here closely, "If they aren't the citizen, then as long as you make it subtle and not too much, labeling them dying a from a monster inside a dungeon wouldn't be that hard"

"Hmm, is that so..." Blake uttered as his eyes flashes, his killing intent riled up.

Killing people in general is not a small feat, it's quite something. But this is inside the Lunaris game world, and the players would respawn, so Blake doesn't have any remorse for doing something like this.

"It seems it's time for me to hunt" Blake mused inwardly.

Gazing at DollBill04's party intently, he then added, "Don't put it to heart though, this is nothing personal. I'm only completing a quest, and the five of you so happen to be the closest target I can reach"

Listening to this Salana cheered from the side, punching the air excitedly.

Almost like a loyal cheerleader of Blake, she cheered sweetly at the thought of Blake taking them all out two times and completing the Persona Quest, "Go, go, Blake! I'll keep cheering for you~"

"Hah... this shameless Persona. Well, At least she's cheering instead of being bossy"