Too Real

"Wait! Don't do it! TARA!!"

Blake shouted at the top of his lungs as the situation turned for the worst.

During the extreme moment, time slowed down under the heavy rain as his eyes fixed on a shadow sword emerging from the wall. The tip of the blade is aimed at Tara, its sharp edge glinting with fierce animosity.

It didn't take long before the shadow sword shoots forward.


In the next second, Blake could see the sharp blade piercing the moisture of the rain.

Nothing obstructed its path, the shadow sword cuts through the air like a hot blade and heads towards the unsuspecting Tara. Glancing at BlueBlade, Blake finds that he was smiling wickedly knowing that his attack is inevitable.

A sudden outburst of strength happened, and Blake breaks free from the chains.

Knowing that he wouldn't reach Tara on time, he dashed at BlueBlade and landed a powerful roundhouse kick in an attempt to hinder his focus. However, it was futile. The shadow sword has already been aimed perfectly.

Meanwhile, Tara turned her body to the side sensing death right before her.

It was right in the next moment that the shadow sword penetrated through the center of her chest and exploded out from her back. Blood squirted out, painting the puddle on the ground with a scarlet color addition.


Not wasting a moment, Blake dashed straight at her and catches her before she fell.

"Tara! Talk to me!" Blake exclaimed in panic.

But as he looks down at the shadow sword penetrating her chest completely as well as the blood that has already smeared onto his hands, a sense of dread swelled inside of him. Shifting his eyes to look at Tara's HP, it was draining rapidly.

Gritting his teeth, Blake looks to the end of the alley and finds that it was dark.

'I think I saw a healer's place not far from the inn. If I dashed as quickly as possible with the help of Shadow Step, I should be able to reach the place in about three minutes. But...' As he thought of that, Blake glanced back at Tara's HP again.

Seeing that it wouldn't even last a minute, his blood runs cold.

"Don't- Don't stress about me, y-you've already done enough"


Tara suddenly smiled weakly seeing that Blake was clearly stressing for a way to save her, it was noble of him but he has already done enough. It was unnecessary for him to worry about her, she could feel her life slipping away.

"I don't want to burden you again, b-but please bring Linthia to the mayor..."

"Stop talking like that, you're going to bring Linthia yourself!"

Upon hearing this, Tara coughed weakly before she shakes her head, denying his statement.

Blake's expression darkens as he has never been in this kind of situation before, his life in the real world has not much drama, and he doesn't know how to deal with this overwhelming emotion that the situation induced in him.

If he was being honest, it was too much for him.

Despite not knowing Tara that well, the two have their share of moments and he also respected her for her will to protect Linthia even letting herself suffer pain if that means not making Linthia worry in the process.

Not one woman that he knows has that kind of strength, she was the only one.

Seeing that Blake has a grim expression on his face, Tara reaches out her trembling hand towards him but she was too weak. Blake grabbed her hand before she smiles brightly, "I- I also want t- to apologize to you. W-When the assassins a-attacked and took L-Lady Linthia, I was about to a-abandon you, knowing that those t-two might kill you..."

"I feel g-guilty, but I- I hope you understand and forgive me" she added weakly.

Blake hold her hand tightly when he heard this, he didn't even mind when he learns this, it was only natural for her to abandon him if Linthia was taken. But it seems underneath her bravado, she has a soft heart.

It was then, Linthia's hand slowly fell, the strength inside her body is slipping away.

And this makes Blake glance to the side at his Persona, "Salana..."

"I don't know if it's a good idea or not, but I'm not going to fight you about this. Yes, you can save her by turning her into a Spectral Vampire. As you are the only living entity of the Spectral Vampire, it's possible..." Salana replied with a sigh.

Despite wanting Blake to let her die as it's uncertain, she couldn't bear to see Blake like this.

Upon hearing this, Blake then asked, "How...?"

"It's different for each race, but your body should know how to do it. Follow your instinct, let the Spectral Vampire in you takes over, and you'll find a way to turn her" Salana replied, trying to give a clear answer.

Sensing that Tara's hand had gotten weaker, Blake didn't waste a single second.

Closing his eyes for a couple of seconds, he tries to communicate with the Shadowblood inside of him. About a moment later, he opens his eyes and saw that his arm has already been wrapped by the Shadowblood.

Almost like a friend or a companion, he could beckon the Shadowblood to help Tara.

Just then without him realizing the color of his eyes flickered before changing into the color scarlet red, he becomes calmer than before. Knowing what needs to be done, he then focuses on the Shadowblood.

Slithering like a snake, the Shadowblood hits the ground and created a crack.

Underneath Tara who was slowly fading away and losing consciousness, a subtle red glow can be seen as a portal materializes. It doesn't take long before Tara's body started to sink, being swallowed by the portal.

It was then when her body disappeared that the red portal eventually closes.

"What's going to happen to her?"

"I think the Shadowblood tells me that in order to become a Spectral Vampire, she must first enter the Spectral Dimension where she will need to accustom to the nature of Specters. Time stopped in there, so she should be fine"

Breathing easily, he could finally sit back and let his body drenched under the rain.

Even though Tara should be okay for now, his heartbeat is still off the charts, and he needs a second to calm himself down. Something like this is not easily shrugged off, he was really worried there.

"Damn, this world feels so real. If she died, I'll probably be lost in anger there..."

"Yes, I know it's hard. But you'll get used to it"

Salana who was standing right in front of Blake smiled gently, she know that Blake was really feeling it right now. Out of nowhere, her body suddenly started to be drenched by the heavy rain.

Following that, she then sat beside Blake and leaned her head on his shoulder lightly.

Unlike before when she couldn't comfort Blake, she now can.

Looking at this, Blake sneered, "Are you showing off your physical body now?"

"Don't get your hopes up now playboy. It's been a long time since I felt the rain, I'm not doing this to only lean on you, okay?" Salana rebutted back, she also puffed up her cheeks finding Blake to be annoying.

It was earlier that Blake used the Persona Upgrade Ticket.

Upon using the Persona Upgrade Ticket, Salana was upgraded to rank 2 but she was quite disappointed as the ticket works differently than her world. Instead of giving her a permanent body, she could materialize her entire body now instead of only her hands.

Compared to before, it's easier now for her to touch inanimate objects.

But she still couldn't use much of her strength with her physical body, she couldn't use any of her skills or anything. She was simply gotten a little bit stronger in touching other things aside from Blake.

Of course, Salana is still invisible to the others aside from Blake himself.

Although she was expecting that she could become translucent and be seen by others, she was disappointed to find that she couldn't. It seems she would unlock that skill at the higher rank, not at the second rank.

"Playboy? Where did that come from?" Blake asked in disbelief.

Salana could only give him a disgusted side eye, her eyes were as cold as the north pole, "Angel, Linthia, and Tara? It was a guess before, but now I could tell that you're clearly aiming for knowing only girls"

"How did you get to that conclusion?! It's not planned alright!" Blake rebutted.

Not even believing Blake for a single second, Salana could only sneer while crossing her arms in front of her, still leaning her head on Blake's shoulder. It's clear that he couldn't convince her no matter what he said.

But as Blake finally calmed down, he then stood up and stretched.

"Are you fine, now?" Salana asked.

Blake nodded his head as he now feeling better, "Yep, let's get that bastard!"

Glancing to the side, Blake could see a red aura shooting into the sky. Earlier, he already used his PK Target privilege skill to pin BlueBlade's location. It could work not only with players but NPCs too.

No matter where he went, Blake would always be able to find him.

"I'm excited! We're going to use the second Privilege Skill, right?" Salana exclaimed.

Upon hearing this, Blake nodded his head as the Persona Upgrade Ticket also gave him another privilege skill that is very convenient for this situation, "Of course, that bastard wouldn't know what's coming..."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city.

BlueBlade was limping away as he used every fiber of his being to run away.

Attacking Tara and injuring her severely is a great chance for him to escape the place, and he was now already nearing the crowded area. Even at the end of his vision, he could already see a city guard which makes him smile.

'Just a little bit more, if I reach that city guard, I'll be safe!' BlueBlade thought.

Despite his pride being hurt from losing to a brat, surviving is the first priority, he could get his revenge in the future. If he died then it'll be over, so he needs to survive. Pushing himself in the last couple of steps to reach the city guard, he reaches his hand and taps the guard on the shoulder.

But it was then, BlueBlade felt someone also grab him by the shoulder.

"Where are you going...?" a rasping voice entered his ears.

In the next second, BlueBlade body suddenly glowed red before he vanishes from his spot.


Feeling his shoulder tapped by someone, the city guard glanced over his shoulder but frown when he didn't find anyone behind him "Did I feel it wrong? I thought someone was behind me. Hmm... it's probably just the rain"