Easy to Read

It takes a good amount of time for Blake to actually snapped out of his trance.

Delilah's message greatly troubles him as she has never texted him if it's not something very important, and his condition right now is not quite fit for meeting her. Threats from Ghouls and Vampires still linger around.

But more than that, Blake was more afraid that she and Mother changed their minds.

'What if they suddenly decided that they aren't coming for father's third death anniversary...? Both of them skipped last year. It can't be, right? There's no way they are skipping this year too' Blake thought with a troubled look.

Just thinking about that makes his body tense, almost as if he was fighting.

Salana might be asleep right now as she instantly crashed on the bed when they arrived at the apartment room to recuperate from her energy loss. On the contrary, Maura saw him standing in front of the bedroom door with his eyes glued to his phone.

Unlike usual, his expression was pale, he seems to have just received bad news.

Eventually, Blake shakes his head and went back into the bedroom.

A moment later, Maura could hear the sound of water splashing from the bathroom which puts a frown on her face. She was confused, 'Didn't he already showered at the hotel? Why is he showering again?'

"Blake! Can you take the night watch first today?!" Maura shouted.

Due to giving Blake a bit of her own blood last night, she feels tired and sleepy. It seems she hasn't recovered from her anemia, and that would be a long-term problem if she didn't go and get proper rest.

Pausing for a second, a shout then came from the bathroom. "Okay, go rest!"

"Use the bed if you want to, I'll be in the living room" Blake added, offering the bed for her.

In a frenzied blue, the next day came.

Blake decided to not wake up Maura knowing that she needed the rest throughout the night, he was the only one up this night, and keep a lookout for any sign of Vampires and Ghouls that might ambush them again.

Compared to sitting around, he trained his new skill, the Blood Veins skill.

Since the Blood Lance skill has evolved to it, he would need to train to use it again in the real world. It's harder to get accustomed to this skill, he trained for more than six hours and finds that he could only stretch the Blood Veins for about a meter away.

Not that far considering inside the game world, he could stretch it as far as he can see.

Moreover, his physique has also been enhanced.

Even though thanks to turning into the Spectral Vampire race inside the game he had become more muscular, this day he saw his abs appearing, and his arm muscles were also popping from his shirt.

A fascinating effect that made him look manlier than before.

One might be afraid of this making him bigger and bigger, but Blake didn't fret about that.

Knowing that the Spectral Vampire is prideful yet doesn't like to be the center of attention, he believed that this muscularity sparks because the Spectral Vampire has a high standard for itself.

It takes no lesser than perfect for itself similar to the Beast Horde earlier.

Blake remembers the Bonus Race Quest during the Beast Horde states something like that.

'Your pride will not allow you to perform worse than lesser creatures in a battle...'

Judging from that sentence alone, it was not a stretch to assume that this increase in muscularity will stop when he reaches the perfect physique that meets the Spectral Vampire's standard, whatever it is.

Clearly, it wouldn't make him huge which would defeat the 'perfect' physique.

Aside from training and marveling at his nigh-perfect greek god physique, he also makes an hour of time to log into the game to check on Tara on whether she already found the group of three figures that he talked about.

Unfortunately, she hasn't found them yet.

But it was enough for her to become alert, and that's a good thing for Lady Linthia's safety.

Sticking together, Blake and Maura went to Julia's house at the intended time.

Keeping a low profile with a hat covering their heads, the two got down from the bus and headed to Julia's house through feet. In the process, they took many detours in order to confuse if there are any people following them.

Eventually, the two arrived in front of a big house with a big front yard.

Despite knowing that Julia is a celebrity, he was still amazed by her house which takes a more modern theme of black, white, and brown alongside having an open space style that makes the entire house feels comfortable and airy.

"May I know who the two of you are?" A security guard approached them suspiciously.

Since Blake and Maura wear a hat, it's natural for him to be suspicious.

Taking off his hat to reveal his face and smile, Blake then replied politely. There was no need for him to be rude, "I've made an appointment with Julia. If you be so kind, tell her that Blake is here. That'll be very helpful"

Upon hearing this, the security guard nodded his head and went inside.

In a moment, the security guard came back and let them inside with a big smile on his face.

"Please, Miss Julia is already waiting for you"

"Thanks a lot, Sir. I'll be going inside now"

"Excuse me..."

Blake and Maura went inside and finds a couple of luxurious cars parked inside, he felt minuscule inside this kind of place. One of those cars is definitely worth more than his entire net worth.

Perhaps, even double or triple his net worth. It sparks an acute smile from him.

Knocking on the big wooden door that almost reaches the ceiling, Blake could see through his Nocturnal Blood Sight that Julia is behind the door facing away. It was weird for her to be standing by the door when he was knocking.

A solid ten seconds later, she eventually opened the door.

"Blake! I'm sorry for making you wa-"

Right before she finished her sentence, she stopped when she catches sight of Maura.

Instead of introducing Maura since it's the proper way, Blake's eyes widened seeing Julia's revealing clothes that make him unable to do anything but look. A flash of their intimate moment skims past his mind because of that.

Julia is wearing a bold white crop tee coupled with a skin-tight white skirt.

Each garment highlighted her spellbinding curves that were so perfect that it was almost as if she was made to please the eyes of men. Her perfect round breasts peek through her tee, her slanted naval that adorns her abs, as well as her black see-through sheer shawl that layered outside, made her charm breaks the limit.

Almost like a perfect slap to Blake's face, his face reddened completely.

Out of embarrassment, Blake quickly covers his mouth and turns his face to the side.

"J- Julia, you don't have to prepare so much"

"W- What are you saying? I'm in my house, so- so, of course, I'll wear something like this"

Despite her saying that in the same stuttering manner, Julia covers her body with the sheer shawl even though knowing that it was futile as it's see-through. It's obvious that she deliberately wears that, at least from Maura's perspective.

"Hello there, I'm sorry for not informing you. I'm Blake's assistant, Maura" Maura introduced.

Upon hearing this, Julia snapped out of her daze and quickly smiled in return. It was her way out of her embarrassing situation earlier, "Yes... hello there Maura, nice to meet you. I'm Julia" She introduced back. "Shall we go inside?"

"Of course, lead the way" Blake clears his throat and replied.

Following her from behind, Blake could see that Julia's face is still red like a tomato.

But at that moment, he secretly smiled for no reason.

"Did you also compel her to love you too?" Out of nowhere, Maura whispered from the side.

Blake was startled but he quickly denied that, "Of course, not. Do I look that cheap?"

Keeping a close look at Blake's facial expressions for a few seconds, Maura finds that he doesn't seem to be lying. It seems Blake has done an even better job of getting close to Julia last night in the nightclub.

A moment later, the three sat down in the spacious guest room.

Recovering from her earlier embarrassment, Julia takes out a couple of reports and puts them on the table before she crossed her legs, "Yesterday, I asked Russel to come to his penthouse and he agreed. I told her I was bored so I wanted to stay there for a bit. After entertaining me for a bit, he then went busy playing the new Lunaris Game"

"I managed to get inside his working room and found these reports" She added.

Upon hearing this, Maura frowns in response.

But Julia quickly smiled in assurance, "Don't worry, these are copies. He wouldn't notice"

In response to what she said, Blake looks at her in thought.

'So the secrets are all here. For some reason, I'm nervous to read them. One of them even has a confidential mark on the surface, normal people wouldn't be able to get their hands on these' Blake rubs his sweaty hands and gulps harshly.

Julia who finds Blake looking at her feels shy but her eyes widened for a second.

Almost as if she realized something important, she then quickly added while fixing her eyes on Blake, "A- Ah... You must've heard from my friend, but I'm not like that, really! I've never really done that with Russel, I always refused when he asked or even directed the conversation towards it"

"Russel likes me very much, so he held on to me even though I didn't give him anything"

Listening to this, Blake was stunned for a second.

'What is she talking about...? Do what with Russel?' Blake thought in confusion.

Not realizing the confusion in Blake's eyes, Julia still continues what she was saying, "Of course, don't get it wrong! I was also drunk that night with you so don't think it's anything special or anything..."

"Though I said that, how do you- how do you feel about that night" Julia fidgets.

Maura could see through her easily, she definitely has this night with Blake stuck in her mind and tries to lie through her teeth. It was too easy to read her, but it seems Blake was too dense to know what she was talking about.

Glancing over to Blake, a frown then appeared on Maura's face.

'Don't tell me, did something happen while they were outside that night...?'


Author here!

Thanks for the support this far!

But I must apologize to announce that i'm ending this novel soon as it does not meet my target. I will be posting a new novel soon, a sci-fi/fantasy themed novel.

You can read my ongoing novel, the Invincible Full Moon System or my new novel.

See you there!