
The snake thought that it was a dead beastman, but it was a beautiful female.

He shifts to human form only from the waist up, showing a beautiful fair white skin, very long blond hair and a face that looked almost androgynous.

His eyes are a mix of yellow and red, like fire, and they looked at the female intensely until he noticed she was still alive.

He slithers to her and sees that her left arm has a bruise between her hand and elbow, her right arm has deep scratches.

He carries her in his arms and then brings her somewhere safe.

Astri wakes up the next morning, hearing someone calling her name.

"Astri! Wake up! Please!" She hears Claud in her mind.


"Astri!! By nature.. You're alive! I'm so relieved. I panicked when I couldn't get in touch with you, it was like your mind was far from your body." He says so thrilled he wants to cry.