Priest Guards

After 4 more days, there was an uproar at the village with the arrival of Claud's guards. Lee and Cyprian go check what it is and calm everyone down.

- I've sent a messenger to ask an old friend some beastmen to help us finish building everything. All of them are our guests, and I already prepared a place to stay. - Lee speaks to Shung.

All guards are covering their beast marks with clothes or bandages if it's located somewhere more exposed, to try not let anyone see they're powerful and realize they're related to the Higher Priest.

Shung is more relieved to know they're there peacefully because they can sense they're powerful. Now he knows his tribe will be even safer.

Lee calls the guards to accompany him and Cyprian.

As they walk, one beastmen with very short black hair and dark skin comes in front of the others.

He is wide and very muscular, and has some scars around his body.

- We must see Lady Astri first. - He speaks.