Mind To Reality

Claud is almost 40 days traveling and he's finally getting close to see Astri. He's more anxious than he ever was.

- Are you all right, Claud? - Galion asks.

Claud asked them to stop calling him Higher Priest, so no hidden beastmen learns who he is.

- Yes. I just want to arrive already. - Claud answers softly. Galions smiles.

- You must be anxious to meet her in person. -

- Yes.. -

- Do you think she will recognize you? She only knows your voice. -

- I don't know. We are wearing similar clothes too, she might need to hear me indeed to know who I am. But I don't care. I just want to see her. -

Claud, Galion, and the other guards are wearing dark green cloaks with hoods.

Galion walks with Claud, and the other guards walk more on the front and on their backs. So if they get attacked, Galion has time to flee with Claud.

Luckily, they were attacked very few times because the guards emane strong auras that any beastmen or monster knew they're powerful.